Chapter 15

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The sounds of shattering glass and splintering metal..... Smoke and shattered glass fragments....... Distant sounds of sirens. "Wake up!" "Please wake up!" Flaming rubble of a car...."No! Help them out, please!"

I woke up with a tremendous jolt, my heart racing, breathing shallow and eyes wide. A couple of stray tears had run down my face. The bedside clock said 2 AM. A dream. It was just a dream. I repeated that over and over in my head in an attempt to calm myself down.

But it was a recurring dream. This was, like, the third or fourth time I had dreamt about this car crash. Everything was the same each time. Same people, same surroundings, same accident...

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. My eyes went to the window, only to see through the drawn back curtains that it was raining outside. And not just a soft drizzle but a heavy downpour. In other circumstances, I wouldn't mind the rain. It seemed calm, soothing even. But right now, I was a little shaken up. My nerves were on edge and the sound of rain pelting against my window pane gave off a feeling of foreboding to me.

I was alone in the house. True to his word, Matt hadn't come home. I didn't even know where he was at. Heck, I didn't even know what I did or said to make him so mad. I just hoped that when he came back, he would be his normal self. Because this form of Matt wasn't what I was used to. This form of his intimidated me, to be honest.

I got up and went to the window, gently touching my fingers against it. The glass of the pane felt cold to the touch as it fogged up from my breath. Even through the misty haze of the rain, I could see that the lights of Jax's room were still on. In fact, I could faintly see his silhouette pacing back and forth. He was gesturing around with his hands occasionally, one hand pressed to his ear. He's on the phone, I realized. But by the way he was acting, his conversation didn't actually seem like a friendly one.

Then suddenly, as if sensing someone was watching him, he quickly went to his window and pulled down the drapes. I sighed as a yawn involuntarily escaped my lips. I rubbed my eyes, the fact finally setting in on me that it was still the middle of the night

I went back to bed, dropping into my comfy mattress, my uneasiness finally subsiding somewhat. Slowly, my eyes began to get droopier and droopier. I could practically see sleep coming to embrace me in her arms. But just as I was about slip into the blissful state, a shrill sound mercilessly tore through.

My eyes snapped open and took me a minute to realize that the shrill sound had been the ringing doorbell. I frowned. The doorbell? Who could be at the door at such an unearthly hour? And that too in the pouring rain?

Taking a shaky breath, I slipped on my slippers and stealthily padded down the stairs. It was dark but the dim light from the gallery was sufficient for me to find my way around without tripping over. The doorbell rang again so I hurried to the door. Cautiously, I peeked through the peephole. There, outside the door, stood Ashton, completely drenched from head to toe.

I raised a brow. What is he doing here? And more importantly, should I let him in? Matt isn't here. What's he here for, anyway? I sighed. I am completely alone in the house in the middle of the night and there is this almost stranger standing outside my door, asking to be let in. What do I do?

I blinked, realizing I had just been standing here for longer than necessary. Making the split-second decision, I opened up the door. I know, stupid.

"H-hi." Ashton said shakily, slightly shivering.

"Um, hi." I replied, my confusion showing on my face.

"Uh, I was returning from the next town and my car broke down." he said, jerking his thumb backwards in the direction of his car, "I pushed it here from two blocks down."

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