Chapter 5

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I was taking the elevator up to my floor because I just didn't have it in me to take the stairs like I usually do. It had been a long hard day at work and to say that I was drained would be the understatement of the century.

The doors opened and I stepped out into the corridor. I made my way to my door and fumbled around with my purse, trying to find the keys to my apartment in the dim rooflight. I heaved a sigh in relief once I found them.

I unlocked the door and went inside, closing it softly after me. Everything was dark inside. Dropping my purse, I tried to make my way to the light switch with tripping and falling.

Just then, I heard a sound. Like something moved or somebody breathed. My heartbeat accelerated as the realization dawned on me that I wasn't alone.

Groping around for the wall, I finally found the light switch. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my shaking hands and gather the courage to switch on the lights.

My fingers brush against the light switch and just as I turned it on, I heard a loud blast followed by an equally loud chorus of "Happy Birthday!"

My eyes opened suddenly, only to close again on reflex because of the blinding sunlight streaming through my window.

Shielding my eyes with my hand, I sat up slowly and yawn, trying to rub the sleepoff my eyes. My eyes suddenly opened up wide as the dream I just saw came rushing back to me.

"Huh, well that was a weird one." I muttered to myself.

Matt never told me I lived in an apartment. But then again, it was a dream after all. I remember seeing a lot of faces wishing me happy birthday as I switched the lights. Some of them were still vivid on my memory.

Among a bunch of other faces, there was this really pretty young girl with auburn hair and striking green eyes. She was holding a cake that said 'Happy Birthday Katelyn' in iced letters. There was a middle aged woman with really friendly face and a motherly smile. I didn't recognise either of them though. Strange because I remember reading somewhere once that you never see strangers in your dreams. Each person you see, you must have seen somewhere in real life.

But there was one face I did recognise slightly. A blonde haired boy with a really sweet smile and the same eyes I had seen in my sketchbook. The majestic blue ones. I recognised him. Well, if feeling like you've seen a person somewhere counts as recognizing then yes, I recognised him.

I huffed in frustration, sending a strand of my hair flying out of my face. The curiosity of knowing him but not being able to place his face was killing me.

One other thing I noticed was the fact that Matt wasn't there. Come on, Kat. My inner voice argued with me. He could have been there. Maybe you didn't notice him.

I sighed. That was true. But it was still weird. Well, maybe it wasn't that weird after all. It was merely a dream, wasn't it? But the way it was imprinted in my brain, clear and vivid, it less like a dream and more like...a memory. Could it have been one?

But Matt didn't mention living in an apartment. Also, he said I didn't have much friends or acquaintances. If that was true, then who were those people wishing me happy birthday? And more importantly, who was that blue eyed boy that I know and don't know?

I sighed,taking my head into my hands because it had literally started to ache because of so many questions. It had been a week since I had returned from the hospital and I barely remembered anything.

Looking at the clock showed me it was 10 AM already. "I'm gonna ask Matt when he gets home tonight." I decided finally.

Stretching, I finally pulled off the covers and got out of bed, making my way into the bathroom.

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