Chapter 14 : The Trauma

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I do not own KnB. 

Warning warning warning!

There might have Spelling error, Grammar mistake and unsuitable words in this chapter. 

Not forgetting a big OOCness. 






"*cough..cough..I can't breathe. *cough..Someone, help me!" Kuroko keep on screaming for help. It was late at night already and he knows that his parents already asleep but he tried his best to let his parents hear him. He can't move. His leg stuck under a wood that collapse because of the big explosion.

His surroundings already being engulf by smokes causing him to have trouble to breathe. His sight slowly fails him. He can't even see any ways to exit the room to run from the fire. His body feels weak because of low oxygen intake.

When he nears on collapsing, he heard his father calling for his name, banging the door harshly. There also her mother's voice crying out loud for him but he just can't answer them. He tries but fails.

Then, his eyes close.

"Tetsuya! Tetsuya!" He heard someone calling his name, his body being shaking hardly. His father and mother try to wake him up. He collects some strength to reply his parents calling but only manage to open his eyelid halfway. He could see that everything was burning; his parents look a bit dirty because of the ashes but their face look happy when they see that their only child alive. Kuroko tries to speak but only his lip was moving. No voice came out.

"Tetsuya, I am going to let you out from this room first. The firefighters are already here. They going to caught you below. Don't panic okay; everything is going to be fine." Kuroko's father gives instruction to Kuroko. Kuroko manage to nod his head as understand sign.

"Hurry dear! The fire already spread under the window." Kuroko's mother is alarming them. Kuroko could feel his body being pick up and as they reach the window, his father throws him out the window.

He feels panic but manages to avoid it by closing his eyes. Then as he flying on the air, he heard a painful scream. He opens back his eyes only to watch a horrifying scene.

His mother's back is already being strike by the fire. His father turns back and tries to distinguish the fire to save his mother. Unfortunately, his father also being traps inside the fire. The window collapse and he no longer see his parents.

"Otou-san! Oka-san!!" Kuroko screamed, tears flowing on his cheek. On the same time, he feel he already landing on a matt prepared by the firefighters.

Then, his tremble body tries to get up but fail. He cry and asking for everyone help. Ask for the firefighters to help his parents. And they promised him that they will help as much as possible. He wait.. and wait.. and wait. He didn't even realize that Ogiwara is sitting at his left and tries to comforting him. He ignore him completely, he only worry about his parents.

When the fire is all out, he was waiting for his parents to come out from the burned house but nothing. Not a single sound he could hear. Everything is just a silent.

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