Chapter 37 : Friendships

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I do not own KnB.

Ogiwara, Kagami and Akashi slowly letting go Kuroko as they could feel the resistant become lesser. The three of them silent for a while, feel grief on making Kuroko suffer.

"He will sleep for few hours" The doctor informs them.

"Wh-what actually happen to him?" Kagami stutters as he asks the doctor, he still can't believe what just happened.

"I can't explain. I need him to calm down first so that I can check what is wrong with him. If he awake, please call me. I will check on him again" the doctor says.

"He not speaking well, why? Don't you know?" Ogiwara asks.

"Not speaking well? Means not intelligent?" The doctor asks for the detail.

"Yeah seems like that. He has a problem in arranged them well and word that he uttered is confusing me" Ogiwara explain.

"Aphasia" the doctor utters

"What?" Kagami and Ogiwara ask back.

"Aphasia is an illness caused by brain injuries. The person who develops this illness will have a problem in talking and writing. They could speak and write but it is not intelligent and sometimes they change the word that they thought the same although it is not" Akashi says as he remembering back the term that he has found before.

"Yes. That true" The doctor agrees.

"How did you know?" Ogiwara curious.

"I have done some research on the brain ever since Kuroko-kun starts having a brain tumour. Just to be prepared" Akashi answers.

"It seems that Kuroko has developed Aphasia. I need to do the MRI as soon as possible to check what is happening to his brain. Please ready for the test. We will do that right away" The doctor orders the nurse to prepare what necessary. The nurse nods and exiting the room.

"We will bring Kuroko to the test room. You should rest for a while until the test is done" The doctor informs and excusing himself then.

Next, a group of nurse come and push Kuroko's bed exiting the room. Kagami, Ogiwara and Akashi just stand there, thinking of the fate of their dear friend.


"Kuroko-kun, we will conduct a Neurological test on you today. Are you okay with that?" The doctor asks, smiling warmly at the bluenette who currently sitting on his bed.

Kuroko takes some time to understand what the doctor said to him. A minute later, he returns a smile to the doctor and nods his head. "Okay"

His friend is waiting outside the room as requested by the doctor except for Akashi who insist so. It's not like the other didn't protest but the doctor said that he want Kuroko to be alone as the test is going on. He doesn't want Kuroko's emotion being disturbed. Akashi is merely as an observer since him able to control his emotion and avoid on making any distraction. He stands at the corner of the room to get the best view.

He observes Kuroko. The bluenette has started developing mild epileptic seizures since he woke up from that horrifying dream. His head tends to shook slightly and sometimes his left pupil is larger than his right. Maybe the latter didn't realise it but they do. Every single change in their dear friend, they do notice. They care for him just how he care for them.

Akashi remembers back what the doctor said to them.

"The result of the CT scan show that there is no bleeding in his brain. However, there's a lot of fluid meaning that the tumour is still growing"

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