Chapter Seventeen: Nan Neo Joha

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Please read author's note after reading :)


You chose to accept Hiro's offer.

If you haven't made your choice yet, visit chapter sixteen.

Remember, the out come of the story depends on your decision. Choosing the wrong decision have some consequences.

Happy reading!


You spent all day in Hiro's bedroom catching up with him and Baymax, who kept scanning you every five minutes. You haven't felt so happy before and now just having a friendly hang out with your sworn enemy, Hiro Hamada, made you feel like you were beyond cloud 9. It was as though every single bad things that happened between you two didn't happen, like the two of you were long time friends.

It was nice.

But something was itching at the back of your mind and you can't seem to understand it. You've been acting quite weird and nervous the pass hours, especially if Hiro was invading your personal space. The feeling was foreign for you and it was annoying.

Maybe you were just too naive to understand.

Maybe you were experiencing one of those teenage flings that you mostly try to avoid.

Maybe it was only fondness or infatuation for him (oh gosh, no).

Or maybe, you're just too confused with what you feel and who your heart beats for.

But one thing for sure, something is changing yet, even with your unreachable level of knowledge, you can't seem to pin point what was making you feel this agonizing sensation bubbling in your stomach and chest. For some unknown reason, your legs would suddenly turn into pure and jiggly jell-o, your stomach will make twisted knots or even make back flips, your cheeks will burn red, and the one you really hate the most, your heart of all organs goes uncontrollably erratic, pounding against your chest like a wild and untamed animal.

But that wasn't the thing bothering you. The one making you feel all these infuriating and annoying feelings was no other than Hiro Hamada. The way he'd show his tooth-gaped smile, the way he would let out his annoying slash adorable laugh, the way he acts around you and the way he makes knock-knock homes and bad puns. All those are just minors and the rest are left to be unsaid. Everything about him was suddenly making you crazy, in a good or bad way, you really had no idea yet.

Something is definitely changing and I don't like it.

And what's bad is, you're only realizing these now. Too fast and too early for your liking.

"Snap out of it!" You snapped away from your long and deep trance and turned to Hiro, who was busily snapping his fingers in front of you.

You swatted his hand away from your face and shot him an icy glare. "Stop it." You hissed.

Hiro automatically scooted away from you. "Geez, that was a quick change of mood." He commented.

"Scan complete--"

"For the hundredth time, I'm satisfied with my care, Baymax." You stated in a matter of a fact tone.

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