Chapter Sixteen: Damn Knock-Knock

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Is it wrong I'm starting to like Undertale?

Because for me, it's very SANS-sastic.

Cue cymbals.


The morning sun slowly peeks through the vast of cloudless sky, finally awoken from its short period slumber. The bright and hot rays coming from the humongous sun peers through your drawn curtains and straight at your exhausted and unblinking slouched figure. The cold breeze wafts into the small gap of your room and that small amount of wind made a shiver crawl down your spine, your hands trembling from the icy coldness.

After receiving the letter from an unknown sender, you neglected the need for sleep and spent your few hours meant for sleeping and rest trying to guess who the mystery person can be. You listed out all the people you knew and had little connection with yet they seem too innocent and too kind to possibly black mail you.

I swear to God, if Hiro is trying to scare me, I'll make sure to shove as many peanut butter in his mouth as much as I can

Though the said topic needs to be attended to immediately, your momentarily brushed it off for the  morning and did all for routines. After eating a deadly quiet breakfast with your uncle, you sported your favorite outfit and headed straight to the Lucky Cat Cafe with a grim yet serious look on your face.

The second you set foot inside the said cafe, you were instantly pulled in and you found yourself struggling to answer all the questions aunt Cass kept bombarding on you. She asked tons of questions about the party, the fire, how were you after that aftermath and more so. She even went on about how Hiro looked so sad and gloomy after being discharged from the hospital. As she calmed herself from worry, you began answering all her questions, leaving out the Hiro question on purpose.

But aunt Cass is not stupid.

"(Y/N)," She begins, "I'm starting to worry about Hiro."

Well, I don't.

"You see, last time I visited him in the hospital, he was. . . how can I say this, um, he was absorbed in his own world. I thought something happened while he was confined but when he was discharged, he still acts so sad. He's been locking himself in his room or in his lab for hours and would only come out if he needs to eat. When I told him to call you for company, he only frowned. I was wondering if you know anything about his, uh, state?" She continues uncertainly.

Her words seemed to flow blankly into your brain for a split second before it finally dawned you. Maybe you were the reason he was acting as aunt Cass described. It was actually a pretty dramatic reason for you to leave him like that but you can't blame yourself. All and all, it was Hiro's fault. If he hadn't pretended to have an amnesia and made you worried sick, you wouldn't have walked out on him.

Well sucks to be him then. I ain't worry about him.

"Sorry, but I don't know aunt Cass. Maybe I can talk to him later." You smiled as you said this. Pfft, as if.

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