Chapter 2| So Much For A Butterfly

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Ra Eun's pov.

'Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.'

That's the only thing I'm hearing her say. I'm trying my best not to give a long face at her. Yes. I somehow managed to reach my class before Mrs. Kwan did. Lucky me.

Urgh! I can't understand a word she's saying. Useless teacher. Now don't get me wrong. I fully respect the teachers. But Mrs. Kwan? She's a complete different story. And not to mention, she's a biology teacher. My favourite subject. Note the sarcasm.

In all honesty, she doesn't deserve the respect. Every student hate her to guts. All she can do is criticize students and crush all their self confidence. That's not what a teacher is supposed to do. I feel so bad for her husband. How does he even manage this woman?

There's question always roams in my mind, who the hell made her the biology teacher when she clearly doesn't even know the 'b' of 'biology'?! She only gives useless lectures and huge amount of homeworks to the students. Good thing that she's not the only biology teacher of our school, or else I've a doubt if any student would pass in that subject.

Ugh! I had enough of her stupendous lectures. I shifted my gaze to the window beside me and smiled as I saw the view. I'm somehow holding back the urge of taking my camera out and start taking photos. I wonder why people doesn't like winter. Most of them likes summer or spring. I'm not saying that those seasons are bad, but winter isn't also a bad season right? Well at least to me, winter is the best season.

People gets shocked when they hear this at first. Because they think that people who loves photography are mostly interested in spring because of the colourful nature. Well, not me. I don't like too colour things. My favourites are black, white and every type of faded and dull colours. Not everyone has same choices.

I was gazing at the when suddenly I saw a butterfly. A butterfly? They're here already? Another sign of spring.

The pattern on that butterflies wings were pretty and..unique. It was somewhat like someone just threw multiple colours at the wings. Really unique.

Ahha! I wanna take photos of it. It's so hard to hold back! Okay okay Ra Eun. Calm down. It's just a butterfly.

A unique one.

Oh my mind will you ever shut up? I should concentrate on something else... Leaving Mrs. Kwan's lectures of course. I can never concentrate on that even if I want to. Hmm.. Let's just think about something else...

All of a sudden, Sehun's face came on my mind. Oh Sehun. I can never understand that guy. Sometimes, I just feel that he lives in his own world, disconnected from others. But then, he does have friends. And I think he's very close to Luhan, his best friend.

His looks. A lot of girls go drooling all over him in the campus. No. I'm not included in them. Though I have to admit that I had a tiny crush on him before, but it's nothing else than that.

But there's a lot of things that I want to know about this guy. I don't know why but I'm actually curious about him. But me talking to him? Nah. That can't happen. He doesn't really talk to much people other than his friends. And I'm not enough social girl to take the initiate to approach people by myself.

And forget about talking to him. Just an eye contact with him gave me goosebumps and butterflies in my stomache.

You didn't just say butterfly again. Did you?

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