Chat #12

375 12 28

Sohma: guys

Sohma: guys

Sohma: guys

Hyuga: how come YOUR the annoying one now?

Sohma: it's important

Sohma: and that was harsh

Hyuga: I know

Hyuga: that would be why I said it

Enya: so rude sometimes

Goyo: all times

Enya: 24/7

Goyo: 1440

Kazemasa: 1440?

Goyo: yeah!

Enya: I don't get it...

Hyosuke: me neither...

Kazemasa: I get it now

Enya: Kazemasa how did you get it so quickly?

Kazemasa: because I'm smart

Hyuga: mhm

Enya: hey! I'm smart!

Hyuga: his brain is just sleeping

Enya: not true! It's awake!

Hyuga: it's never awake

Goyo: that's mean

Hyuga: oh sorry I didn't know you were my mom you whiny bitch

Sohma: whoa

Sohma: that's-- okay then

Hyuga: Sohma you had something to say earlier

Sohma: did I?

Hyuga: literally like 3 minutes ago

Sohma: well I forgot

Kazemasa: I feel like you just wanted to start up a conversation

Sohma: I did have something to say but idk anymore

Enya: I have an idea

Hyuga: good for you

Enya: yeah I would want to listen to this Hyuga!

Goyo: Wat is it?

Enya: from here on out we need to keep track of Hyuga's sassy comebacks and mean things he says

Goyo: sassy? 😂

Enya: yeah he has a lot of sass so 😂 you in?

Hyuga: no

Goyo: yes

Kazemasa: agreed

Sohma: I'll do that

Hyuga: I won't

Jesabelle: same

Hyuga: you too?

Jesabelle: heh 😅

Goyo: then it's settled?

Enya: yeah! Over-ruled!

Goyo: can we count the thing he said to me earlier?

Hyuga: hey

Goyo: ?

Hyuga: shut your face

Goyo: okay does THAT count?

Enya: it's hurtful so yes

Enya: 1

Hyuga: I'm going to beat both of you with sticks!

Goyo: 2

Hyuga: okay fine I'll stop

Mizuki: for now...

Kazemasa: are you in on this too?

Mizuki: mhm...

Hyuga: why are you all ganging on me?

Enya: because we feel like it

Goyo: and because

Enya: we

Goyo: love

Enya: yooouuu

Hyuga: ...

Goyo: ?

Enya: ?

Hyuga: ew

Goyo: 3

Hyuga: what did I do!?

Goyo: you hurt my feelings! 😭

Hyuga: cry me a river

Enya: 4

Hyuga: okay I'm done

Enya: good good

Hyosuke: Goyo your starting up the ship again

Goyo: huh?


Hyosuke: 5

Goyo: oh you mean hyugoya!

Hyosuke: yeah now there will be fangirls


Enya: I feel my reputation slowing draining from this

Hyuga: you just go around and bang drunk woman you find on the side of the street that are barely wearing anything

Hyuga: your reputation is already the lowest of the low

Enya: 6

Hyuga: I'm being honest here! What do you want from me!?

Enya: you need to stop and think

Enya: what if someone verbally hurt you?

Hyuga: I would bash their face in

Enya: ...

Hyuga: wait

Enya: I'm done with you

Goyo: mhm

Hyuga: spkm

Jesabelle: ...?

Hyuga: tiarml

Enya: did Hyuga break?

Goyo: I miss him already

Hyuga: stop bringing back the ship you retard

Goyo: I don't miss you anymore

Goyo: 7

Hyuga: the hell!?

Enya: what was with the spkm and the tiarml?

Hyuga: I feel like that's the only way I could insult you but seems like I'm going to insult you anyways Enya

Hyuga: I said someone please kill me

Hyuga: these idiots are ruining my life

Enya: 8

Hyuga: great

Hyuga: fantastic

Kazemasa: are you done yet?

Hyuga: no

Mizuki: ... Okay

Hyuga: I'm going to go take out my anger on strangers

Jesabelle: bye

Goyo: that's still mean...

Enya: I'm going to count that remark as 2 because that's jus plain rude

Goyo: we are at 10

Enya: Hyuga your terrible at this

Jesabelle: I thought he would do better... It hasn't even been an hour yet and he's already at 10

Mizuki: that poor soul...

Sohma: I don't really feel all that bad for him

Mizuki: your cold

Sohma: wha?

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