Chat #5

490 21 13

Sohma: That moment when you go to leave a room then trip and fall on your face

Hyosuke: only everyday

Goyo: that moment when your crush is playing hard to get

Enya: I think I know who your talking about...

Enya: damn you Yoshitsune

Hyuga: you guys are still on about that?

Jesabelle: hey guys

Mizuki: that moment when Yoshitsune still isn't here...

Mizuki: hi Jesabelle...

Kazemasa: that moment when I'm actually getting involved in this

Yoshitsune: that moment when I don't want to come into the chatroom because I can just feel the hatred towards me

Enya: >:(

Goyo: >:(

Yoshitsune: I didn't even do anything!

Jesabelle: can I do something to help?

Goyo: DATE ME!

Enya: DATE ME!

Jesabelle: um...

Hyosuke: that moment when you struggle

Sohma: it's a love triangle

Yoshitsune: 😂 let them do their thing

Mizuki: work your magic

Hyuga: Jesabelle pick one for crying out loud

Jesabelle: shhhhhh

Jesabelle: I'm dead

Jesabelle: rest in pieces

Mizuki: what a tragedy

Kazemasa: was that sarcasm?

Mizuki: obviously because she isn't dead

Sohma: then what's the tragedy?

Mizuki: resting in pieces and not in one piece

Mizuki: did someone chop her up or something?

Hyuga: that's a dark thought

Benkei: coming from you?

Enya: who are you and what have you done with Hyuga!?

Hyuga: I'll smack you over the head with a baseball bat!

Goyo: hey it's Hyuga!

Yoshitsune: 😂😂😂

Jesabelle: 😂😂😂

Benkei: that moment when

Mizuki: ...

Sohma: ... When what?

Benkei: I... Seem to have forgotten... Hm...

Hyuga: that moment when you want to break someone's fingers off so they can't type anymore

Mizuki: #humancruelty

Mizuki: #wehaveaspeakbutton

Sohma: but how will we press it?

Yoshitsune: your nose?

Hyosuke: your toes?

Kazemasa: your weenis?

Hyuga: your what!?

Kazemasa: weenis

Sohma: so our elbows? 😂

Kazemasa: yes

Yoshitsune: why didn't you say that first!? 😂😂😂

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