Chat #11

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Enya: the silence is so awkward

Goyo: true. Where did everyone go?

Mizuki: idk

Hyuga: maybe they died

Enya: I don't think so 😅

Yoshitsune: Hyosuke isn't even here is he?

Goyo: well usually he would be here by now

Hyuga: maybe he died

Mizuki: no

Kazemasa: Y u so violent?

Hyuga: can't a guy hope?

Hyosuke: your so mean!

Hyuga: dammit...

Benkei: 😂😂😂

Sohma: so does that mean we are all here?

Goyo: no

Hyuga: what do you mean no?

Enya: I haven't heard from Jesabelle

Hyuga: maybe

Hyosuke: don't you dare!

Hyuga: she

Enya: stop!

Hyuga: died

Mizuki: no

Goyo: do you really think she died?

Hyuga: I hope not

Benkei: then why do you keep saying it!?

Hyuga: shhhhhhhhh

Hyuga: it doesn't matter

Yoshitsune: kind of

Kazemasa: I'm very concerned

Hyugoya: hey

Hyuga: WHO ARE YOU!?

Goyo: 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Enya: omg wtf 😂

Goyo: the ship

Goyo: it's stalking us 😂😂

Hyuga: NO!

Hyuga: WHO IS IT!?


Hyugoya: muahahaha! 😈

Hyosuke: I'm crying 😂😂😂😂

Enya: I know who it is 😂

Goyo: same 😂


Goyo: yas XD

Hyuga: TELL ME

Hyosuke: Hyuga, who didn't say anything this whole time where you were saying

Hyosuke: maybe they died

Hyugoya: what are you doing? How dare you try to reveal my identity?

Hyuga: Jesabelle! Change your name back!

Hyugoya: no!

Hyugoya: never!

Kazemasa: lol what the heck

Hyuga: that's it!

Goyo: dun dun


Enya: shut up Goyo 😂

Moist: I'm back

Hyogoya: NOOO

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