Meet the Author

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So, I've been getting some messages recently saying stuff like 'Do a Meet the Author!' or 'You should answer some questions so we get to know you better!' and I've thought about it. And so, I asked those people what they wanted to know. Now, here's some facts about yours truly.

Full name: Bevin Grace S.

You're probably thinking Bevin? I thought her name was Bella? Well, Bella is technically a nickname. Bevin is what is on my birth certificate and is pronounced "Bev-a", which is what caused my best friend in pre-school to start calling me Bella.

Age: 14

Hair color: Blonde/light brown

Eye color: It changes from green to brown to even a yellowish color sometimes.

Sexuality: Straight

Single...or Nah?: Surprisingly, I have a boyfriend 😊

Favorite Male Fictional Character: Persassy Jackson (#NoRegrets)

Favorite Female Fictional Character: Clary Morgenstern, duh

Favorite Band: Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, Crown the Empire, Sleeping with Sirens...I'm very indecisive with music.

Favorite Artist: Troye Sivan, Halsey, Ed Sheeran...Again, very indecisive.

Favorite Series: Do you even need to ask?

Family: There's my moms Gwyn and Stana, my older brothers (who have requested to stay nameless), and my older sister Efa (pronounced like "Eh-va"), my oldest brother's wife, his son Niklaus and his daughter Rebekah.

Nationalities: Mostly Welsh, German, and Polish, some Irish and Russian mixed in.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, listening to music, and playing my instruments.

Any pets?: Oh boy. Before I start this, I want you all to know there's a reason my few friends call my moms' homes 'Bella's Farm'. Now, I have five dogs, two rabbits, a hamster, a snake, and four fish. Here's an easier way to describe it:
The Dogs
Argentium- 1 year old black chow chow, boy, and my snuggle buddy 😊
Gizmo- 2 year old long haired mini dachshund with brown fur, boy
Luna- 6 month old long haired mini dachshund, also has brown fur but with a marble coloration that is apparently extremely rare, my little sweetheart
Merric- 2 year old tan pug
Troyla- 2 month old chow chow puppy, black fur, my mini bear 😊, I may have named her after my love of Troyler...
The Rabbits
Tilly- 1 year old, tan body with dark brown ears and spot on her left eye, named for none other than my love, Tyler Oakley
Barnaby- 10 months old, black fur with white speckles on his back, named in honor of Eleven of whom I am not ready to let go of.
The Hamster
Señorita Favorita(don't ask)- I have no idea how old she is and she's one of those cliché ginger and white hamsters that does nothing but eat, sleep, and poop in her exercise wheel.
The Snake
Gregoryavitch- Pretty sure he's eighteen since there are pictures of him since before I was born. He's a five foot long ball python and that's all the info I can give you seeing as I was literally not born the first four years we had him.
The Fish
All four are tiger fish. We've had them for six years. Don't ask me the genders because how can you even fricken tell? They're names are Hyperion, Cerberus, Hecate, and Persephone. Believe it or not, six years ago was the start of my Greek Mythology obsession.

How many languages do you speak?: Seven, not including English. I know German, Welsh, Polish, Russian, French, Greek, and Japanese.

Those are the questions I was asked, and if you guys have any more questions about me, ask either in the comments where I will reply or direct message me. See ya book nerds.

Bella (or Bevin technically 😁)

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