Very Important Author's Note

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Hey guys. I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I left something on my message board but not everyone sees that so I thought I'd tell you all here. I've been in the hospital for the past week because I had a seizure. No big deal, I get them at least three times every five months.

Only, this time was different. I was getting a brain MRI to see if there was something in my brain causing them and they saw something else. They did more testing and apparently I have Asperger's Sydrome.

For those of you who don't know, Asperger's Sydrome is a form of autism. People with Asperger's function better than other autistic people, but now that I really think about it, so many of the symptoms relate to me. Clumsiness, social awkwardness, having trouble or the inability to start or carry a conversation, paterns in things like getting ready that you refuse to change, extended talents in math and music, not feeling comfortable making eye contact or receiving signs of affection like hugs (I honestly hate hugging. I don't get it.), not being able to understand simple emotions, and feeling the need to carry on topics that no one around you has interests in.

I'm honestly scared guys. All of the things I listed above describe me. I've been living my entire life not knowing I have autism. Thirteen, almost fourteen, not knowing I have another brain condition.

Right now I'm just trying to figure some stuff out right now. I may update a lot, I may not. I'm just taking this kinda hard, especially since it's genetic and the only person I could have gotten it from is my father aka a code on a website. Now, I'm gonna go watch the season premier of Castle and rethink my life. Bye book nerds.~Bella

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