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Chained Hearts
Anakin Skywalker

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The three individual Jedi had safely found their way towards the ground, their senses only leading them closer to the sacred bounty hunter that they were after. Each of their heated bodies were close to one another as they had entered and began walking about in a certain night club. The radiant beams of light seemed to fill the room with a strong beverage's stench, dialogue between those being widely heard.

     "I can feel her presence, Master," Anakin had spoken boldly, Obi-Wan and Ryn ever so hastily keeping a watchful eye. The two Jedi had then but noticed the words of Anakin, not realizing it was a certain 'she' to their disadvantage. Obi-Wan had exchanged glances with Ryn; their eyes colliding with an unassured feeling, before Anakin broke the silence saying, "she walks about this room."

     "Patience," Master Obi-Wan cautiously breathed out, holding the saber in which belonged to Anakin. Anakin had looked down for a moment, noticing Obi-Wan's interaction with the young Padawan, himself. Obi-Wan then stated clearly, "here, next time don't lose it. A Jedi's saber is his most precious possession He must keep it with him at all times."

     "I know, Master," Anakin had replied in reassurance, Master Obi-Wan now placing the saber into his soft hands. Ryn watched from the corner of her eye, observing their interaction with one another; allowing a slight smirk to curve on the side of her mouth from the corners of her lips.

     "This weapon is your life," Obi-Wan continued, determined to get his point across; their gazes now transfixed upon the commotion around them. They desperately tried their best to point out the odd in the midst of the so called 'natural' environment. Ryn continued to keep a close eye out, allowing her senses—within her body and soul—to lead, direct, and guide her to where it was needed.

     "Where are you going, Master Kenobi?" Anakin questioned his Master, Ryn overhearing their open dialogue vaguely. She oddly found herself seeming to be the quiet one in most situations; always observing closely.

     "To get a drink," Obi-Wan replied to Anakin's question, causing Ryn to then, devilishly grin to herself once again. At times, she was certain Obi-Wan and herself were quite the same person on specific aspects and notions. Anakin had then yet found himself wondering towards Ryn as he stood just to the left of her figure. She glanced up towards the man who seemed rather comfortable around her presence, before he spoke.

     "She must be some form of changer," Anakin exhaled before his gaze met the eyes of the woman he once knew very dearly. There was a slight pause in their interaction, memories flooding throughout Anakin's state of mind; his body seeming to react to the de javu's with a sense of intimacy before he turned his face from that moment in time; his brows furrowed slightly in determination. "We must be more at edge," Anakin passed, "stay close."

The two found their way around and about, keeping a watchful eye; closely and urgently. They felt something slightly, something close; causing their blood to pump faster. Anakin and Ryn had then heard a loud scream of pain coming from the bar as they both took a glance to one another in alarm. They rushed towards the scene up front, only to see the bounty hunter hunched against the floor with no arm. Obi-Wan's lightsaber was drawn as he took in a heavy breath before noticing the eyes glued onto his figure.

     "Easy," Obi-Wan breathes out, "official business. Go back to your drinks," Obi-Wan indulged before Anakin and Ryn lift the bounty hunter up and off the floor; taking her figure outside into the dark night. They had laid her down against the hard ground, hoping to get any form of information.

     "Do you know who it was you were trying to kill?" Obi-Wan questioned, a snare planted upon her face.

     "The Senator of Naboo," she stated with a grossly determined smirk, nothing but darkness descending from her figure before the three continue with questions.

     "Who hired you?" Ryn questioned quickly but rationally, no hint of remorse within her tone of voice; a sneery glare beaming through the bounty hunter.

     "It was just a job," she stated, not indulging any further; anger fuming within the Jedi.

     "Tell us!" Anakin boldly exclaimed, "tell us who hired you!" He yelled in frustration in sake of Padmé. The bounty hunter choked on her spit, preventing herself was speaking any further. "Tell us! Tell us now!"

     "It was a bounty hunter called-" she was cut off by a fizz sound as a dart flew to her neck, within a fraction of a second. We looked up hastily to see an armored man fly off from the high roof above one of the tall buildings.

     "Toxic dart," Obi-Wan stated in frustration.

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