Thunder Born

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They clouded the sky, shut out the stars,
You couldn't even see Venus, forget about Mars.
The white liquid poured into the cracks in the sky,
Static stung, blackness swirled, born an evil eye.
Thunder howled, the clouds clashed,
A silvery white whip lashed.
Dust and debris rushed in wildly, from every possible direction,
Breaking sight of the horizon, the earth and sky's connection.
Leaves rustled, barks bent,
Shivering shocks the wind sent.
The waves called war with the heavens up above,
They rose up, sank back, drowning in their own love.
Somewhere in the clouds, an old lady cackled,
The moon was restrained, it's light was shackled.

The clouds could hold no more, they succumbed under the strain,
And down came the cold, shattering drops of rain.
Watery bullets pelted down into the earth,
The winds bellowed hard, for all they were worth.
The saline water mixed with its pure,
My tears or the sea's, I'm not sure.
The boiling green waves, sprayed on the rocks,
A wolf's agonizing howl, the fierce wind mocks.

Naked mischief pranced around,
Widowed Serenity, was thrown to the ground.
Chaos played games, running here, and chasing there,
Panic reverberated like the crashing waves, surging everywhere. 
As the light sank, the darkness rose,
The scent of wet mud filled my nose.

I stayed there long, to see what the wreckage could teach,
My mind sounded exactly like the storm on the beach.
And as the ravaging darkness swallowed up the entire shore,
I stood there unfazed, because the Darkness in me was much, much more.

                              - Aastha Mehta

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