At Another Days End

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Take a deep breath, calm down your nerves,
It's okay if you didn't get what you wanted, didn't get what you deserve.

Let your mind at ease, remove all the stress,
Twenty four hours are up, you're alone, who's there to impress?

You've been brave all day, it's okay to now feel numb,
Just gaze up at the sky, stare and keep mum.

Play your favorite song, burst it out loud,
Sing and dance, like you have no crowd.

Tear out that armor, put down that shield,
Let your body relax, let it be relieved.

It's the end of the day, you don't have to be strong,
Just listen to the slight breeze, hear the raindrops song.

Let your rigid muscles loose,
Let your soul wander, now of holding back what is the use?

It's not easy to be yourself, in this Broadway inspired world,
So give yourself a pat, that you didn't get lost in this hurl.

You're alone and the silence brings comfort,
Let your body energize itself, let it cure the hurt.

You can remove that mask now,
Let your inner pained wolf howl.

You can bring down your facade,
And see of what you're truly made.

Just be yourself, don't compare your body,
This is home, no one will judge you, you're away from everybody.

Rub your temples, soothe your wrinkles out,
Don't think of much, escape from your doubts.

Let your lungs fill in with air,
Exhale out the worries you've had to bare.

Take a look back at life, look at what you've overcome,
Before you start off again, hear the starter pistol and start to run.

Just take a minute, appreciate what you've done,
You may have lost the battle, but it's the war that you won.

Unwind yourself, massage your back,
Think of the things you have, not what you lack.

Let your spirit sing, sweet songs to the clouds,
Let your pain be, let time heal the wounds.

Just close your eyes, and smell the breeze,
Feel the scenery, taste the ease.

It's been a long day, you're tired,
Throughout the day, at you, unnecessary bullets were fired.

But you're used to it, you've learned to bare it all,
You've learned to pick yourself up, no matter when you fall.

It's not necessary to still be bustling around,
Just sit still, watch nature, observe things which haven't been found.

Life can get hard, you may want to let go of your hold,
But death is the easy way out, and you're a fighter, you can burn out the cold.

Let your thoughts roam free, don't keep them in,
For just once let your suppressed, creative, side win.

Just sit back, take a break from life,
Before life breaks you, or kills you with a knife.

Just take a moment, try all of this,
Because solitude alone is eternal bliss.

- Aastha Mehta

Song on the side- O (or fly on)- Coldplay.
It has nothing to do with the poem but it's just really comforting.

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