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Suddenly the ramen stand was attacked by enemy ninja. Fighting ensued the owner and his daughter where being protected by Naruto's genin while Kakashi and Naruto faced off with the enemy ninja. The fighting went out into the streets where all the villagers and other ninja where all unconscious.

"What's going on?!" Naruto yelled blocking a blade with his own. Soon the the two former ANBU where separated from each other and the genins.

"S*" Naruto spat when more enemy ninja cornered him his chakra had been somehow drained and Kurama was trying to restore it but it wasn't enough. Before Kurama got Naruto's chakra restored Naruto had a sword plunged into his stomach. He dropped to the ground spitting blood, the enemy's just laughed and disappeared leaving Naruto for dead. A few minutes later the light in Naruto's eyes went out just as Kakashi and his genins got to him.

"Sensei..." the three genin cried.

"Naruto I remember you now I'm so sorry for not being able to help you." Kakashi cried. Naruto was dead and there was nothing they could do about it, it was a sad day for both Kohana and Suna.



Alright alright the first part was a preview for the next chapter but the part about Naruto dying.

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