Chapter 5

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Hehe I left you with a cliff hanger sorry I couldn't resist anyway Kurama will come out more often and team 7's missions will be here shortly so enjoy. Sorry minna the demon called school kept me busy.

"Kurama talking out side of Naruto"

Kurama talking to Naruto




Minato pov

"I can use Kurama's power and he can come out when he wants because we have bonded differently then the others." Naruto said shrugging "now if that's all I'll be going now." He said disappearing in a yellow flash just like me.

"Naruto." Kushina said looking at were Naruto was.

"What did we do?" I ask to no one.

Akia's pov

We where still tied to the posts at training ground seven. Nii-sansensei and Kakashi-sensei left almost an hour ago. Teme and Sakura where thinking about something while I was thinking about how the nine tails could come out of Naruto with out Naruto dying.

"Really!" I finally yelled.

"What is it dope?" Sasuke asked and Sakura looked over at me.

"Since you two obviously don't get it, what we where suppose to do was work together as a team in other words use teamwork!" I yelled hopefully loud enough for both of our sensei's to hear. Sasuke muttered something like 'who needs teamwork.' and Sakura just hung her head. Just then Nii-sansensei flashed into the clearing.

"What'd I miss?" He snarled clearly upset about something.

"Ah Naruto there you are it seems Akia figured out what the test is about but the two others still haven't." Kakashi-sensei said appearing next to Nii-sansensei. Nii-sansensei looked over at three of us and sighed then turned to face Kakashi-sensei.

"Kakashi I'm done for today I may not help you with your team or I may I'll let you know sometime, till then bye." Nii-sansensei said then proceeded to body flicker away in a gust of wind. Once Nii-sansensei left I could see Kakashi-sensei shaking in rage and I wondered why.

"Team seven will be official meet here tomorrow at 7 am your dismissed." Kakashi-sensei said disappearing just after he cut the ropes that held us to the polls. I was shocked to see the composed Copy Cat ninja lose his temper like that and to see the legend of the ANBU emotions not under control. 'What happens to Naruto-nii while he was gone?' I thought looking into the forest with worry. I walked straight home not bothering to go through the village to get there.

"Kaa-san I'm home." I call but no one answered.

"Kaa-san?" I said again but received no answer.

"Huh must of gone out or went to see Tuo-san." I muttered walking up stares heading to my room when I noticed Naruto-nii's door was open. Curious I opened it farther and stepped in but all I saw was a bed and a desk everything else was gone. I walked in farther and saw a note on the desk addressed to Kaa-san and Tuo-san, but had their names and titles instead of the mom and dad like I was expecting.

"Nii-san?" I said worriedly picking up the note/letter and walking out of his room and down to the kitchen to set the letter on the kitchen table where Kaa-san would see it.


Sorry is so short minna. Till next time minna ciao.

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