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   authors note:

first book i've ever written, let me know if it's any good or if it just sounds silly :P need some feed back please! so honest comments only, no bullshitters allowed :P hahaha, enjoy the book, i hope it's good because i got ideas playing in my mind to make a sequle. 



Tyrus's muscles burned from running. His lungs ached for air, But he couldn't stop, not even for a minute. If he stopped moving now he would be caught in seconds. The cold rain ran in rivulets down his face, adding to the frozen sheets of ice that where forming on his skin. The night air threatening to turn the rain into hail stones that would knock out any man. Tyru's heart beat painfully in his chest as adrenalin pumped through his veins like gasoline, making him run faster and think quicker. Hunters were after him, he had killed one of theirs and now they wanted to curse him to the shadow city, he prayed that he could out wit them into killing him if it came to it.

Tyrus darted down a narrow ally lit only by a single flickering street lamp with a crack in its glass face. Tyrus heard the footsteps a second before the figure stepped in to the lane. he had had enough time to conceal himself in a bush that had grown through the chain link fence that lined both sides of the walk way. A man walked into the mouth of the ally way, and for a second Tyrus thought he was just a human, but he could see the markings that covered his skin where the travelling coat failed to do it's job. Had the man seen him? Did he already know he was hiding there? So many questions buzzed in Tyrus's mind, it was giving him a head ache that pounded like a million imps trying to escape through the bone in his skull. The man had golden dark brown hair, pale blue eyes and was stout in stature.

“ come on out. I know your there, so stop playing games will you.” the man called out into the darkness.

Tyrus' heart skipped a beat as a panicked wave of heat rolled over him. How did he know he was there, this man didn't even look like a hunter, he had no battle wounds or scars like the others and on his belt he carried a single dagger. His breath rattled in his chest as he began to rise , ready to face death.

“ Mikhai get out of the shadow's i need to speak with you now.”

every single muscle in Tyrus's body froze. He had almost reviled himself to this man when he wasn't even caught. He looked around fanatically. He needed to get out of here and soon before his location was discovered, or before the hunters that had been following him caught up. Hunters weren't bright, but they could put two and two together to find him hiding crouched over in the shadows, dirty and starving like an animal.

“ impatient aren't we Keoin? Just can't wait to see my beautiful face, can you?” another man appeared in a cloud of smoke, probably using his markings that darkslayers where so proud of. He wore a knee length black leather coat with torn jeans. He had the same hair with the same eyes as the other man, but he face was not handsome. A long scar ran the length of the left side of his face, causing his mouth to be set in a permanent scowl. Long curved swords with beautifully carved handles hung dangerously from his belt, next to the whip and net meant to hold Tyrus. This man was a hunter and was one of the men that was supposed to be hunting him in this very moment.

“ so tell me, what could be so important that you called me here during my hunt ?” the man. There was menace in his tone but also something else that Tyrus could not distinguish, could it possible be enthusiasms .

“Mikhai, I found the girl, I found Jayla. She has most recently taken up residence in a foster home not far from here.”

“oh really keoin? And how does this involve me ?” Mikhai's eyes shined with surmise.

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