Chapter 2 - Wyatt

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"How difficult is it to fix a spreadsheet?" I yelled into the phone. I had no patience for incompetence and expected everyone to do their job with precision. "Okay, well get it done and I want it emailed to me within two hours." Click.

I was on my way home from the office when an employee called me about some spreadsheet bullshit. I didn't have time for mistakes. I hated being out of the office, but I wanted to be home when my sister Grace arrived. She only lived thirty minutes from here, but she always spent two months of her summer with me. Well, at my house. She would lay on the beach, shop and watch T.V. while I worked.

I was pulling up into my driveway when I saw my neighbor Sarah loading her car with several suitcases. Her husband, Kyle, was my contact for developing office buildings and I often would converse with them. I had a question about some office space and wanted to ask Kyle if he knew anything about it. I walked over and Sarah spotted me.

"Hey, Wyatt, how are you?" She smiled. Sarah was pretty. She was petite with sandy blonde hair. She looked frail, but when she lifted the large suitcase into the car, I was mistaken.

"Good, is Kyle home, I wanted to speak to him about an office in downtown?"

"He isn't, maybe you can call him or email him. He should be home in a few hours if you want to come by then."

"My sister is arriving in an hour, but, perhaps I could stop by tomorrow?"

"We won't be here. In fact, we are out of town for four months starting tomorrow. Kyle and I both need a vacation." She laughed. I knew how hard they worked and I admired them both for it.

"Wow, four months. That's a long time to be gone. I guess I will just email Kyle about the real estate." I said glancing down at my phone when I felt it vibrate. A text message came through from Daisy. She was this girl I took to dinner and fucked. That was all I wanted from that encounter. I don't date and don't want to. I watched my father die of a broken heart losing my mother, and I swore I would avoid that feeling as long as I lived. Women to me were a means to an end. A charity function here, a fuck there, nothing lasting longer than a day. I never led them on and I made it clear to them after one night nothing would continue. The woman I fucked had to have poise, elegance and speak intelligently. Just like my work, I held woman I associated myself with in high standards.

"Sounds good, you enjoy your summer, and don't work too hard," Sarah said waving goodbye. I started walking back towards my house when I heard Sarah call my name. "I almost forgot, I wanted to let you know my cousin Rusty will be housesitting for us while were away. So don't be alarmed when you see someone come and go."

"Well, safe travels and I'll see you in four months," I nodded and went back to my house. I knew Grace would be driving up soon and I wanted to make sure her room was ready.

If I wasn't home when my sister arrived, I knew she would do things to test my patience. Last year she stayed in the room next to my office, just so she could blast music while I worked. She loved giving me a hard time. Grace was always trying to get me to loosen up, I didn't see the point. She was in her last year of medical school and I hoped she would stay in San Diego for her residency.

Just as I closed her bedroom door, opposite side of the house and away from my office, I heard her come in.


"Hello Grace," I greeted her walking down the stairs into the foyer. She gave me a huge hug and started walking up the stairs towards her room.

"You're in the room next to the theater."

"Why? I like being next to your office," she giggled.

"I bet, figured the room by the theater is convenient for all your movie watching," I smiled. Grace loved binge watching movies and once in a while I would watch one with her, but it took some convincing.

"Fine. Oh, did I tell you about Paul?" For a second, I had to think about who Paul was. I looked up and saw her staring at me from the top of the stairs. "You forgot who he was, didn't you?"

"Wasn't he that guy you brought around here in March?" I asked because I think I met him, but don't remember. People aren't worth remembering if they don't leave an impression.

"Yes, my boyfriend, jeez Wyatt, you'd think you'd remember my boyfriend," she smiled. I knew she was giving me a hard time because I never remembered her boyfriends. "Anyways," she continued, "we broke up. He was super clingy, and with school, I want to focus and get a residency here in San Diego."

"Focusing on school and starting your residency should be your priority," I agreed, "Go get settled in your room and meet me in the kitchen when you're done."

I knew Grace wouldn't be down for another hour. She always over packed and had to have everything in its place before she meandered through the house. I went to my office to check my emails and was happy to see the corrected spreadsheet had been emailed. After an hour, I met Grace in the kitchen and saw she was already making margaritas.

"Seriously? It's like two in the afternoon."

"Yeah, on a Friday, and this is the start of my vacation. Care to join me?" she asked offering me a glass.

"Yes, but I'll have a scotch," I said walking over to the bar and pouring two fingers. I raised my glass to her, "Happy Vacation, for this will be the last one in a long time future doctor," I winked.

"Ha, ha, very funny," she sipped her margarita, "any plans for the weekend?"

"Just the usual. I'll spend some time in the office. I have that charity function in four weeks I need to prepare for. I expect you to be there."

"I will, I always am. Don't work too hard this summer. Like you said, it's my last one before I start my residency. I expect you to spend some time with me. Deal?"

"Yes, I will make room for you in my calendar." I sighed, placing my empty glass on the bar and started to leave the kitchen.

"No calendar, Wyatt. You and I will hang out just because. It's gonna be fun!" She called as I continued to walk away and down the hall. My calendar kept things in order. I liked knowing where I should be, who I would be meeting and what the meeting was regarding. I even went as far to schedule bathroom breaks to ensure I stayed within the allotted time. My sister always gave me crap for it, but she was partially correct. I shouldn't be scheduling time to spend with her, but if there was something she wanted to do specifically, damn right it was going in my calendar. care.

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