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I'm seeing black spots in my vision. My head hurts. One of my shaky hands travels to my head. Warm. Ruby red. Blood. What happened?

I tried to focus but my eyes deceived me. Ela come on! Try to focus!

Tired. I am so tired. It doesn't hurt if I rested my eyes for a little bit, right?
Millions of raindrops fell from the pale bluish sky. Grip. I was losing it. I had to, no. I wanted to win from my consciousness.

'Damn.' I heard a deep melodic voice say before I lost consciousness and a thick and dreadful darkness came over me.

I was startled awake and my heart was racing. I felt light-headed and wobbly. My head was also throbbing like a mad woman and I felt like throwing up. Not my best day for sure. I automatically grabbed my head and felt the soft material of a bandage. It hit me like a lightning bolt. Suddenly, all the events of the previous night flooded back.

The motorcycle. Where?

The accident. How?

Blood. How much?

The stone cold ground.

And after that everything went black. Nothing.

But I didn't miss the intriguing grey eyes before I passed out. His eyes it was... Alluring. But most importantly; Dangerous.

I took a look at my surroundings. Black silk covered my bruised legs.

How did I end up in a king-sized bed?

The bedroom I found myself in, was enormous. I was unfazed about the luxuries of the room. My mind was clouded with only one thing. To leave this place as soon as I could. I heard some commotion coming from afar and stand paralyzed to the ground.

I need to make up a plan to safely exit this place.

I walked down the hall and was shocked at the girl in front of me. She had a grubby cut in her full pink lips. Her dark brown eyes looked dull an exhausted. Her normally brown hair was now a messy and dirty bun on her head. The girl in front of me. She was. That was.
That was my reflection.

I stopped for a few seconds but quickly regained myself. Quickly I walked through the hallway. I didn't want to linger too long. Once I was at the door I finally exhaled. You did great Ela. Lets go before anyone notice your absence.

Just when I touched the doorknob I froze the instant he spoke.

'Where do you think you're going?' the low cold voice said. I tried to swallow but my throat was as dry as the desert. Shock and fear washed over me. I didn't dare to move. I was considering to just open the door and make a run for it. But he seemed to read my thoughts if the words were written on my back.
'Don't consider walking out on me. We're not finished yet.' He threatened me calmly like he was chatting about the weather. But I knew he was dead serious.

I responded foolishly and threw the door wide open. As hard as my little feet could take, I ran. His footsteps haunted me. Getting closer by each passing second. In contradiction to my footsteps his were strangely quiet. Like he chased people on a daily-basis. Maybe he did Ela. Just when I reached the elevator, a sharp pain through my head betrayed me. I fell to my knees. Yet again I struggled to remain conscious. With difficulty I forced my head to look up. Two long legs veiled in my field of vision. Slowly to not get another attack I brought my eyes to look at the intruder. His white T-shirt stuck to his muscular torso. He had his arms crossed like he was mocking me. Perfect pink lips curled into a smirk. His copper-colored hair gave the impression that he didn't need to do do anything to make himself look presentable in the mornings. I gasped. The same silver grey eyes as the previous night.

I suddenly remembered his odd comment.


I threw him a furious look. Instead of apologizing that he almost cracked my skull like an egg for breakfast, he cursed at me! How dare he!

My mind tried to think of an escapement. But my brain didn't cooperate. It was like every brain cell was replaced with cotton balls. Useless. My vision was still blurred and hazy. I tried to ignore it and spoke to the infuriating man in front of me. 'You hit me!' The man dropped to his knees and looked somewhat uninterested. 'You look awful.' he stated. I was by now utterly confused. He sighed and tiredly rubbed his five o'clock shadow beard.

Before I knew what was happening I was thrown like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder. Which in turn caused a twinge through my head. I immediately constricted my muscles. 'Let go of me! This instant!' I was shocked he dared to just treat me like some tasteless vegetable. I used my last bits of energy to wriggle myself out. But without succes.

When we were back at his apartment he slammed the door shut with a loud bang.
'Are you deaf?'
He ignored me. 'As you wish princess.' he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He threw me on the big black leather couch that was in the middle of the room.

I looked around and realized that we were alone. A lump formed in my throat. Use your head Ela. The only problem was that my head was busy trying to recover from the accident.

I finally managed to think. 'Look, I do not recall what happened. But I do know that I don't want to stay. So if you could be kind and let me flee, we'll forget this.' I tried to stand up. With great effort I finally managed to do so. I looked him straight in the eye. Showing him I didn't fear. 'If you do not mind, I'm leaving.' My head and heart were pounding furiously. Bloody traitors they are. My vital organs.

'Sit.' he growled. 'I don't like repeating myself.' his cold voice said. 'You can't go anywhere until you'r fully recovered.' His last words scared me. He completed his sentence without a shred of empathy or concern. I was just empty.

That moment I didn't know this day was the beginning yet at the same time the end.

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