Chapter 14

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I watched the street lights casting red, yellow, green, pink, and blue lights on Zion's skin as we drove through the center of town. All through the drive I watched him. I know, it sounded incredibly creepy to me too.

But I was so annoyingly mesmerized by the way his jaw flexed, the slight bob of his Adam's apple, the veins that ran down his arms and into his hands as they clutched the steering wheel. I forced myself to tear my eyes away and focus on the long stretch of road that went on for a mile or two before we reached my old farmhouse.

As I watched the yellow lines blur and disappear under the car I tried to sort out all I had learned tonight and somehow compartmentalize it. All this information was far too much to have circulating in my mind at once. But you can't necessarily take the fact that you teleport lightly. Or that your father that you haven't seen in years somehow is connected to the mysterious boy who along with driving you home has been driving you insane.

He killed the engine once he made it halfway up my driveway and stepped out. I followed suit, "I would ask you how you know where I live but..."

I could see his lips hitch up at my lame attempt at humor. I had tried. The air hanging around us was heavy with tension of all kinds. Some kinds that I'd admit to and others that I wouldn't.

"How are you-- nevermind. I know you'll get home fine," I shook my head.

I was beyond curious about my abilities and even more curious about him and his abilities. The fact that Zion and I shared this... power connected us on a different level. Had I not been so tired, this unhinged inquisitiveness would have had me spouting questions left and right, but I was tired mentally and physically.

"Thanks for the ride."

He shook his head at me, "No problem."

Turning on my heel I started the trek further up the long driveway and to my porch. The windows of the house were dark as I came up on it. My mother's car was absent from the lot but it didn't matter even if it was like one o'clock in the morning. I groaned out loud at the mere thought of school tomorrow.

Taking out my keys I contemplated on different ways I could avoid the oncoming day. Maybe if I threw myself down the stairs...

"You know, Kennedy," I jumped at Zion's voice. You would think that I'd hear him behind me on the gravel but no. He was a sneaky one, "I'm offended."

I heard the lock click open and then pivoted to meet his eyes that were fixed on me. Raking weary hand through my hair I sighed,"Why?"

He smirked, "It's awfully rude not to invite me in don't'cha think?

I cocked my head to the side with a scoff, "It's also one am Zion. Awfully late, don'tcha think?"

I tensed as his fingers brushed away the hair that had fallen out of my deshevled hair. He frowned and pouted at my mockery of him, "That's not nice. After all I've done for you..."

His fathomless eyes were like burning into my soul. Half a dozen thoughts flew through my head all of different things I'd love to do to him. And to clarify all of those things were violent.

What I'd do to fist up my hand and deliver a hearty punch to his head. And ruin his pretty face? A voice in my head asked, but I quickly dismissed it.

"You can make that puppy face until the cows come home, but I'm not letting you in," I was serious. Actually beyond serious. I was not gonna let him sway me. It was late and no matter how I hated it this stupid fluttering feeling was taking over my stomach and Zion was looking more and more desirable by the second.

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