Chapter 10

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I was willingly deciding to put myself in the same place as Zion for an undecided amount of time. We were finally having our first official tutoring session-- at eleven o'clock at night. So it wasn't body shots, or getting a tattoo, but it was still pretty out of the ordinary for me.

I had bravely dialed in Zion's number a couple hours ago, but as soon as he answered with his husky phone voice I almost peed myself.

Somehow though, I got through it and here I was a town over-- which was an hour away-- sitting in an all around the clock McDonald's reviewing exponentials and logarithms with Zion.

"Ok, so important thing to remember for the graph is the basic shape..." I pointed at the paper, "The x-axis is a horizontal asymptote--

"Hey, we've been doing this for a while," he drawled punctuated his statement with a yawn.

This was ture, we had been doing it for a while, and surprisingly he had focused through most of it. Unlike our attempts at tutoring-- well mine, he was actually listening and not making innuendo filled remarks. At least for the most part.

"You're right," I dropped the pencil and watched it roll into the napkin dispenser, "now what?"

"How 'bout a quick make-out and then we split?" 

I narrowed my eyes trying to look serious although it was getting pretty late-- 11:48-- and all I did when I was tired was giggle.

"Whatdaya say?" he grinned rougishly.

I pretended to think about it looking up as if I was considering his lips on mine-- not that I hadn't thought about it before... 

"I'm not really into burger breath, or I totally would," I rolled my eyes on the 'totally' and bobbed my head at him in mock agreement.

"You're always looking at my lips Garger, I know you want to..." he let his voice get lower, to the point of being seductive...



"No. I--" I scoffed, "I do not. Pshh, don't even. Cause... I don't so..."

He chuckled and my eyes slowly were drawn to his lips, like a magnet. I snapped them back when I realized what I was doing.

"See, sweetcheeks."

I crossed my arms stubornly, "It's just cause you brought it up."

"Right," he nodded, leaning back smugly.

"I mean-- I had to figure out if they were even something to look at," he raised his brows and I rushed to clarify, "like if they were even, good."

His lips stretched into a smile, I shook my head almost viloently, "You-- no. You're making this something it's not. I-- I wasn't checking you, or your lips out."


"I'm thirsty," I blurted uncomfortably.

Good one. Thirsty, great. 

I watched as his smirk broadened. I was officially going to die.

Getting up quickly I grabbed my wallet and stuck it in my back pocket headed to the register. I could feel his eyes all over me as I waled away. Seering into me. Sheesh. 

I watched pityingly as the drozy cashier man pushed himself off of where he was leaning on the counter to help me. Poor guy, had to be out so late working.

"Can I just get a small drink please?" I asked trying my best to be pleasant.

He nodded eyes hooded with heavy lids weighed down by drowziness. Punching a few things into the register he said slightly delayed, "Uh-- two forty nine. Sorry."

"Oh," I slipped out two dollar bills, looking to see if I had the exact change to make it easy on him, "don't worry about it."

We swapped money for the cup and I bidded him goodnight before padding over to the drink fountain.

I felt someone's chin rest on my shoulder, "Hey," Zion whipsered his breath making the fair hairs on my neck stand up as it blew over the crook of my neck, "I decided I was sorta thirsty too."

"Oh?" I hoped I didn't sound too breathless.

Slowly his hands snaked around from behind me. One hand pressing the button for Dr.Pepper the other holding the cup under. I didn't know when he got so comfortable with me. I was trying to figure out when he went from hating me to flirting with me so blatently-- but it was pretty close considering his proximity. But I realized, he never hated me-- it was just always the other way around.

"Your thirst suddenly quenched or something?" he asked. I could feel his lips stretching into a smile just a hairs bredth away from my skin.

I blinked, "Uh. No. I was just waiting cause I wanted Dr.Pepper too and you're kinda... you know. So."

I was lieing. I hated Dr.Pepper. So, so much. But I wasn't going to eat my words so just as he finished I shoved my cup under and watched as the soft drink that I so despised fizzed into my cup. I filled it all the way to the top of the tiny children's sized cup.

He didn't budge, instead he brought his drink right up to his lips over my shoulder and took a long gulp. When he was finished he let out a content sigh, "Don't you just love Dr. Pepper?"

He knew. I mean, he already knew so much about me-- which hadn't stopped bothering me but we weren't going there tonight. He was teasing me, seeing how far I'd go to save face. I wasn't letting up though. Cause if I did I was basically admiting to my attraction to him. (Why else would I be so nervous and breathless?) I could barely admit that to myself, on a good day.

I took a sip that would otherwise be satisfying, if it wasn't Dr. Pepper that is, "Mhmm. Yeah. So good."

"So good I just want to drink it in one big glup," he murrmered in my ear.

I didn't now how-- he was talking about Dr.Pepper for crying out loud-- but I was impossibly turned on. His deep voice was something equally as rich and delightful as chocolate, sending heat pooling into every inch of me. I was probably blushing so hard my cheeks were on fire.

"I, um. I'm good. Actually I might enjoy it more at a table, "I tried to sound convincing, persuading.

His arms tightened and I stiffened trying to control the sudden chills that I felt climb my arm and slide down my back, "Do I make you nervous sweetcheeks."

"Not at all."

"You sure?"

I twisted myself in his arms until I was facing him. Making sure not to react too noticably to our closness I said, "Positive," and with that shimmed out, and back to our table. 

Quickly I gathered up my stuff, and shoved it into my oversized bag. It was late, and I wasn't feeling good. I didn't like how much I loved the flirty banter that was passing between Zion and I-- even if it was mostly one sided. 

He ploped down on the table (chairs pshh who needs 'em?) and removed the straw from his mouth, "Aw, leaving so soon?" 

"It wasn't horrible Anders, I'll give you that," I nodded at him.

He let out a thin laugh, "You loved every minute of it."

I fixed a bored expression onto my face, and shrugged.

"Too bad we didn't get to make-out, I know you were looking forward to that," he raised his brows and crossed his arms. Luckily I didn't make myself look stupid by glancing at his biceps bulge. Nope, I kept my eyes on his.

"Yeah, too bad."

♕ ♕ ♕ ♕

 A/N: Sorry it's been so long, and this chapters so short and lame it's unedited obviously lawl it's sorta a filler I guess, but yeah take it or leave it. Please, please, please vote and comment and add this to a reading list of yours. I'm like three votes away from 100 so help me out?

~luckyon3 aka Sarah


Newly dedicated to WrappedInRibbons a wonderful new follwer of mine who made me smile with the nice comments on my other story Insomniac ♥

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