Chapter 4

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Charlotte sat on the counter, phone in one hand, apple in the other, while pleading with me, "Kenz," she stretched out my name, "You have to go! It's like the biggest party everyone is gonna be there! And we haven't been to  a party since the year begun."

We were at her house currently as she whined in my ears, and I thought we had already decided on a chill night in. Right about now would be when I started telling myself that I needed more friends, freinds that were as lazy as me, and lived for the next season of Sherlock. I really did hang out with Charlotte a lot...

"I just don't feel like it tonight..."

"Well I can't go by myself!" she squealed impatiently.

I winced at the sharp tone of her voice, and shot her an irked glare.

"-- And! I'm sure your guy will be there."

I scrunched my eyebrows not liking where this was going, "What guy? There is no guy."

"That guy your partners with-- uh you're tutoring him!" she waved her hand around as if beckoning his name to memory.

"Zion." It wasn't a question it was a dreadful statement. Just his name alone made me want to pull my hair out, and stick toothpicks into my eyes.

Her eyes lit up, "Ye--

"No. Char, if you want me to go to this thing, bringing him up is not in your favour. Actually," I decreed as my socked feet slid me over to her fridge, "it is a sure fire way to make me stay home, and watch that Teen Wolf episode I missed."

"Oh shutup! I see how you look at him--

I chuckled sardonically at this interjecting, "So my disgust, and utter disapproval of his existence isn't as well-hidden as I thought."

I knew my dislike for him wasn't blatantly obvious-- I was a polite girl despite my scathing inner monologues I just wanted to bother Charlotte. I laughed to myself, no the dislike was thinly veiled. Very thinly veiled.

"He's into you, but it must be hard when you're always being such a crabby bitch," she reasoned.

"Hmm, sucks to suck then for him right?"

"You have the hots for eachother admit it, and come to the party with me!" she whined, and flopped dramatically on her marble counter.

I muttered, "Says the one who can't see a herd of guys lusting after her..."

Something about Zion didn't strike me as that guy who showed up to some lame highschool house party. He'd probably walked out of the womb ready to party at raves and do precarious things. His night scene had probably graduated from highschool parties, to clubbing, and cacophonous college parties a long time ago. 

"C'mon please?"

"I'm not wearing my pretty bra..." I groaned.

"Then you can wear mine," she replied mimicing my tone.

"Your boobs are smal--

She glared, "Don't say it."

I held up my hands in apology.

"I'll do your science labs for a month," she bartered.

And... sold. If there was one thing I was bad at in school, it was science. If there was one thing Charlotte was good at, it was science. So you can see how this worked in my favor.

"Fine!" I gave in, reassuring myself wih the fact that he most definitely would most likely not be there, and that I would be stress free in science for a bit.

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