Chapter 1

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It was always a race. A race to pull out my required books, and shut my locker firmly before everything came out in an avalanche. I was known to be a star student, but the one thing I was never on top of was my organization. This fact was strongly supported by the amount of time my locker had thrown up on me in the past week. Right now however I didn't have time for that.

"Um, excuse me?"

I turned my head to look at the petite red head before me. I'd seen her around before. She was a freshman. Lila? Lilly? Lisa? I wasn't sure. "Um yeah?"

"Mr. Hansen wants you, uh he didn't specify why. But yeah, he asked me to fetch you," she shrugged nonchalantly.

I nodded and clutched my books to my chest, "Okay thanks."

I weaved my way through the throngs of people as I headed to Trig class.

"Could you walk any slower?" I snipped before pressing myself to the wall in order to slide in front of the person who was obviously obstructing hallway traffic. I shook my head. I absolutely hated when people moved so slowly in the halls. I had places to be, people to see-- and I'm sure they did too.

Upon my arrival I placed my things on my desk that was smack in the center of the classroom, and then shuffled up to Mr.H's desk.

"Ahh, Kennedy," Mr. Hansen regarded me through his spectacles.

"Hi, Mr.Hansen, you needed a word with me?" I fingered my locket suddenly nervous, but I had no idea why. I couldn't recall anything that I had done wrong in the past few weeks-- or months. I was a model student, surely this wasn't him calling me to be reprimanded. I tried to relax, and keep up my calm, cool, and collected face.

"Well, yes. Kennedy, as you know you are one of my best-- if not the best-- student in my class. Your markings are exceptional, and you have fine leadership qualities."

"Thank you."

"Yes, yes of course. Anyway, I would like it if you would consider tutoring a struggling student," he said whilst sifting through papers.

"Alright, why not? May I ask who I would be tutoring?" I had relaxed as soon as I heard his words of praise and I was now completely at ease.

"Zion Anders."

I tried to match a face to a name, but I was coming up blank. Which was weird, because I knew everyone. Or... maybe not so weird because everyone was a lot of people.

"Um, I'm sorry I don't know... who that is."

"I can, um, I can have Miss.Tanazzo acquaint you two... yes. That's what I'll do..." he muttered to himself.

"Is he in this class?"

"Yes." He finally tore his gaze away from his papers and looked at me before casting his gaze to the back of the room, "Him."

♕ ♕ ♕ ♕

He shifted in his seat, if possible sinking lower in it. His dark hair fell into his eyes, but it was no problem because it's not like he was paying attention. His posture and body language showed it clearly. He was slumped in the desk, legs stretched out lazily, pen tapping as if counting the seconds until the bell, eyes wandering all over the room. To the ceiling, from the ceiling, to the windows, to Mariah Wittly who was reapplying her lip-gloss to... me.


I quickly averted my gaze, but not before catching his raised eyebrows and the smirk playing on his lips.

I didn't like the vibe I was getting from this guy. He had a devil-may-care attitude that made me want to kick him in the shins. Ok, so yeah, I hadn't actually talked to him, but I could just tell. He was so easy to read. He obviously thought he was the cats meow, God's gift to earth, blah, blah, blah.

What surprised me though was that I hadn't heard of him before. Besides the fact that I knew almost everyone around Ollmurs High, he seemed like someone who would be known. Classic bad-boy and all. Girls seemed to swoon over guys like him. It was like a moth to light kind of situation.

I felt someone's eyes boring into the side of my head, and out of my peripheral vision I saw that it was Zion who was eye-raping me.

I angled my face in his direction and raised my own eyebrows at him. In turn he raised only one.

Curse him. I could never manage to raise only one eyebrow. I had once practiced for hours in the mirror, but the other eyebrow would always pop up as well.

He didn't look away and I definitely wasn't gonna be the weaker one, that looked away first. It was stupid, but I didn't care. It was a game, a competition and I was very competitive. So, I kept on glaring into his eyes. They were deep and dark, a mystery to get lost in, but I wouldn't allow myself to do so. He took a breath and opened his mouth as if to say something, but before he could the bell rang.

I gathered my things and made a bee-line for the door, not sticking around. I knew Mr.Hansen was probably watching me and waiting for me to introduce myself as Zion's new tutor, and or miracle worker, but I didn't care. Because from the looks of him, I might as well have been working a miracle to get his grades up.

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A/N: Chapter One is officially up and lol I don't really know how to feel about it. It's sorta different from what I originally wrote, but whatever. I know it's a little short, but I'm just getting started and I promise the chapters to come will be longer, because they've been prewritten.Thanks for reading it if you've gotten this far. Drop me a vote, comment, and a fan because it would make my day (: And I'd love to know what you think about my writing.

I think there's a picture at the side for the girl I like for Kennedy THIS PERSON MIGHT (AND WHEN I SAY MIGHT I MEAN PROBABLY WILL) CHANGE THOUGH, 

So yeah.

~luckyon3 aka Sarah

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