chapter16- Have Forever

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Chapter 16

When Jace and Clary arrived at the house they went up to the garden. It reminded her of the one at the Institute. She missed New York. When they reached the garden they took a seat on the bench. Jace was silent for a few moments.

"Do you rember our first date?" he asked. Clary smiled slightly.

"Yes. I rember."

"It was the first time," he said. "In a long time that i felt... happy."

"Thats not true." Clary said immediatley. "You had Alec and Isabelle. You had your family."

"I don't think you relize how much youve changed me."


"Clary, before you came. i was Jace. The boy who through himself in danger. who risked his life, and dint give a damn if he died. I would through myself into situations that it takes 3-4 shadowhunters to handle. I always came back injured, somehting broken. And it didn't fase me.  I thought... I lived my life beliving as a shadowhunter it was okay to die, give up my life. Then you showed up." He cast her a sideways glance and smiled.

"And all that changed. I saw purpose. A need to live. Maybe you couldnt see it, how i'd changed, but everyone else noticed it. Alec,Isabelle. I think thats why they hated you so much. To them you were a mundane, you showed up, and everything changed. But Clary, I noticed it too. I tried to.. i aksed myself what was going on, what i was doing. I was falling for you Clary. And.. i couldnt see it. I was blind."

"Like a man at a baseball game?" Clary smiled.

"Yes, somewhat.  I relized here on our first 'date',  that I loved you. That I was in love with you. Clary-"

"Jace. You don't have to say anything. I love you. I love you, you love me. I don't need an explanation."  

"Your amazing, you know that right."

Clary blushed furiously. She hastly changed the topic.

 “So… that thing you needed to tell me about?” Clary asked. Jace smiled.

“It’s about that talk I had with my dad.”

“Oh.” said Clary.

“He told me that he never meant to hurt me and how sorry he was. It was pretty weird actually.”

“Did he say anything else?” Jace looked down at the floor.

“That’s the hardest part. He did. He told me that he was proud of me, like he was lifting me up in glory or something.”

“And that’s bad?” Clary asked.

“I’m just confused. What do I do know?”

“You move on. That’s all we really can do.”

“It will be hard.”

“It will. Nothing is easy.”

The next day everyone had woken up early to go back home. Clary couldn’t wait to go back to New York, neither could the others. When they arrived back home Isabelle and the others ran towards the institute laughing. Jace and Clary stood there watching everyone. It brought a smile to their lips. They had never been happier. When they kissed it made the moment even more perfect. Trouble was gone for now, and things were slowly returning back to normal. The past couple of months had been a whirlwind of craziness. In the end they had all learned something. Sometimes love and friendship could be tested, it was how you got through it and handled it that matters. But for now, the world was at peace for the shadowhunters. And Clary and Jace had forever.

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