Chapter 27

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There's only one more chapter and an epilogue after this, ahahaha.


It's been days and I haven't spoken to Vic. I can't bring myself to answer any of his calls. I don't want to see him right now. I don't want to see anyone.

I should have known this would happen. I should have known that dating a celebrity was a big mistake and that it would ruin my peaceful life. I can't even walk into school anymore without people interrogating me, or shooting me dirty looks. It's like I did something wrong.

I deleted all my social media too. People found them and my notifications have been blowing up. I don't need to answer any of their questions.

Paparazzi have also shown up at random places that I go to just to question me. It's so stupid. Why can't they leave me alone? Why do I have to be Hollywood's gossip now? I hate it.

They're coming up with unbelievable stories too, that people are actually believing! I guess it's true what they say, you can't trust everything you read or see on the Internet, especially if it's fabricated by paparazzi or gossip magazines.

The only people I've spoken to in the last couple days are Lynn, Gerard, Dallas and believe it or not, Cody. He thinks it's absolutely ridiculous what they're saying about me in the media. He said he'd talk on my behalf so that they can all shut up.

I told him no. He doesn't need to do that for me.

Mike wanted me to text him though, and I haven't. I'm not mad at him, he's a good guy. I just don't think I want to know what he has to tell me. He seemed so genuinely worried about me though, and I feel bad for not giving him the time of day.

"Maybe I should text him Rosa," I say to my cat, who has absolutely no idea who I'm talking about. She just nudges my hand with her head.

I pick up my phone with my free hand. I've been ignoring texts and calls all morning. I'll keep ignoring them too. I find Mike's contact and hit the send message button. I don't know if I should text him. Is it going to be helpful finding out whatever he needed to tell me?

Now I can't stop thinking about it and curiosity gets the best of me as I send him a text. He replies moments later.

Mike: Kellin thank god you texted me

Me: I wasn't going to. But what did you need to tell me?

Mike: Okay here I'm sending you a picture

So I wait for Mike to send the picture. When it shows up in the messages, I click into it to get a better look at the photo.

It's a slightly blurry photo taken from, without a doubt, Mike's window. In the picture, I can see Vic, and he's kissing someone. He's kissing, from what I can tell, some girl.

Me: Mike... what are you trying to tell me?

Mike: I'm going to call you

I pick up right away when Mike calls. I don't even hesitate when I ask, "Has Vic been cheating on me?"

"Kellin I have no idea, but that's what it looks like. I don't even know her name, but he goes around with her to places a lot. I asked him about her, and he totally ignored my question and dismissed the topic." Mike tells me, relaying information that he's gathered on this mysterious girl.

"How long has this been going on?" I ask, though I'm scared of the answer.

"A week after you two met I think," Mike says, and my heart breaks. All this time, Vic has had a secret girlfriend. Either that, or I'm the one he's been cheating on her with. That thought makes me feel awful, because I wouldn't want to ruin their relationship. I'm too nice of a person.

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