Chapter 25

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I published a galex fanfic even though I should have waited until after I finished this fic. BUT, it was too tempting.

It's called Taxi Cab. It's gonna be cute (until the end), so if you ship galex, I suggest you read it :)

Also, sorry for the short chapter, it was supposed to be way longer, but this is a kind of a boring chapter.


"I so don't want to do this," I mutter under my breath. I'm sick and tired of parties, and I know Lynn thinks this is the only way for me to rekindle whatever Vic and I have, but isn't there another way? I can already hear the loud music pumping out through the walls of whoever's house this is.

I told Gerard I would be at Vic's for the evening. Gerard doesn't approve of high school parties, and he's never had to tell me to not go to one. This is my first time at something like this. I prefer avoiding this type of crowd. Even when I had one boyfriend who got his pot at parties, I never went.

The only good thing about this is that Vic is standing beside me, holding my hand. Like regular boyfriends. He's wearing sunglasses even though it's getting dark, which I guess is a celebrity thing.

"I can't believe I agreed to this," Vic says to me. I can't read his expression behind the sunglasses, but I don't think he's pleased.

"Neither, but just think of it this way," I reason, "We get to be regular young adults, or teens, together."

"Right, but you can't trust drunk teenagers. This might get all over the media, and you know what my mother might do if she finds out," Vic tells me.

I don't know what she'd do, and as much as I don't want to be here, Vic's attitude is pissing me off. Doesn't he want to hang out with me, anyway we can?

"You know what, I don't care if you come into the house with me or not. You can stay out here and be a tight ass, or you can try to have fun with me. Where did your adventurous side go?" I let go of his hand and cross my arms. I still can't read Vic's expressions properly, but I can tell he's taken aback by my sudden outburst.

"And take off those damn sunglasses," I order, before I turn away from him and march up to the door of the house. Being alone now, I feel nervous. My sudden act of toughness didn't last long at all.

I open the door, since knocking doesn't seem like the type of thing you do at parties like this. Vic isn't with me yet, but I don't wait for him to make up his mind. I enter the warm and loud house, already feeling claustrophobic.

There are teenagers everywhere, some I don't even recognize. They're dancing to the shitty music, making out with random people or their partners, and getting high or drunk. The house smells like spilled beer and weed, which isn't a pleasant smell at all. All these kids are reminding me of pigs.

I walk through the house anyways and into the kitchen. I recognize one guy in here. His name is Justin and he used to have a thing for me.

"Kellin," Justin grins at me, "Welcome to my home pretty boy." So this is his party? No wonder I was invited as well. I think he still has a thing for me, but that's because I never gave him the satisfaction of dating me. He's the type of guy who only wants one thing and one thing only, and no way was I going to give it to him.

"Nice place," I say, though it's sarcastic. I can't even see what the house looks like with all the bodies crammed in here. I'm also still mad at Vic.

"Uh huh," Justin says, "Want something to drink? You look like you need something to drink."

I want to say no, I want to back out and run home, but instead I accept the offer. I make sure he doesn't slip anything into the drink (and he doesn't, so maybe he's not that bad of a guy after all) and I take it from him when he hands it to me. It doesn't taste as nice as alcohol at rich parties, but it will suffice.

I leave the kitchen and run straight into Vic. He took off the sunglasses like I told him to. That makes me feel a bit better.

"Finally gonna join your boyfriend?" I ask, still being salty.

"Yeah I am," Vic says, "There's no need to be mean about it though."

"Okay," Is all I say, but I walk away from him anyways. Might as well see if he follows. I want to see if the Vic I met is gone or if he's still hiding in there under the fame and the stress his job lays on him.

"Kellin," Vic follows me as I push through people. I feel so uncomfortable in this atmosphere, and I have no idea where Lynn is. I know she's alright with things like this, but I just want to read in the corner.

But I guess, if you can't beat them, join them.

"Vic," I turn towards him. There aren't as many people where I'm standing right now.

Vic looks like he's fighting saying something, his jaw working. I raise an eyebrow, waiting patiently. Finally, Vic sighs and asks, "Where are the drinks?"


Vic and I are staying far away from most of the kids, thank god, but he's been in and out of the kitchen with drinks. I feel weird getting drunk at a place like this (especially since this is so out of character for me, unless I'm dressed as Kali). Yet, I'm enjoying myself, because I'm with Vic.

Vic isn't tense anymore. I think he's far more drunk than I am, and he keeps touching my hands or my hips or my waist. Vic's very touchy when drunk, apparently.

"You have pretty eyes. Have I ever told you that? Because they're pretty." Vic tells me out of nowhere. I can't help but laugh at how fascinated he sounds as he looks into my eyes.

"You're so stupid," I say, shaking my head. A girl walks past us, staring at Vic with wide eyes. She doesn't say anything and I don't think Vic notices at all.

"I'm not stupid," Vic pokes my side and I hit his hand away. He pouts a little.

"Yeah you are," I say.

"Am not."

"Are to."

"Am not."

"Are to."

"You're so mean," Vic says, and then he's kissing me. I can't help but think that we're kissing in front of so many people, but lots of them probably don't even care. So, I don't complain and kiss him back.

Vic puts his hands on my hips and pulls me closer to him. I move my hands from his chest to the back of his neck, and he kisses me harder. Vic gently bites my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

I part my lips and he doesn't hesitate to slide his tongue into my mouth, gliding it over my own.

I can't deny that I'm starting to get turned on, and from what I can tell, he is too. His tongue keeps exploring my mouth, and someone shouts at us to get a room.

Suddenly, Vic pulls away. Though I'm disappointed, I'm glad that he did, because I don't necessarily want to go any farther in front of people. If we go farther.

"Maybe we should get a room," Vic surprises me by saying in a low voice. He places kisses on my neck, and I bite my lip. I want that, I really do. I don't know if it's a good idea though.

"Okay," I find myself saying. I think I'm horny.

Vic's lips leave my neck, which is disappointing, and he moves away from me. He takes my hand though, and without saying anything, he pulls me toward a staircase. No doubt there are rooms up there. 

Normally, I would be nervous. There's alcohol running through my system though and I'm already hard. Vic leads me up the stairs onto the second floor, which is surprisingly empty (except for one room, which is definitely NOT empty).

We avoid the room that is so obviously occupied. Vic opens a door to what looks like a guest bedroom, seeing as there's only a bed and a dresser. Vic pulls me in and shuts the door behind the both of us.



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