Chapter 23

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The room is loud and filled with people all talking and mingling, their perfect white teeth shining in the perfectly positioned lights.

When we had arrived at the party, my expectations were met. There were fancy cars and fancy ladies and men who took the cars from you and parked them. There were paparazzi with their bright, flashing cameras and a man at the front door checking to see if we had indeed been invited. It was all too much for me, especially when we had to stop for the camera flashes.

Vic, before we had exited the car, promised me he would stay close to make sure I was okay.

He isn't doing very good at keeping that promise.

I'm currently sitting at a table in the back, alone. There's fancy wine on the table and I snuck a glass of it (I've never had wine before and I really wanted to try it). It's not all that bad and sipping at it is giving me something to do.

I can see Vic talking with a group of young people such as himself. He's wearing a suit, seeing as this party is high class. The party, as far as I can tell,  is only for showing off your money and the pretty things you own.

Vic does look very well cut in a suit though. I like it a lot on him, the suit. It's actually really hot, the way it snugly fits his shoulders. He's so hot.

Every time I look at him, it's like there's stars twinkling in his eyes. That's what I saw when I first met him and that's what I'm seeing now. He always has this twinkle in his eyes, as if he's trying to charm you or warn you that he's going to get you in trouble in a fun sort of way. I like that a lot about him.

Man, I've had too much wine.

I take another sip and set the glass down. I'm wearing a dress, a red dress. Red is a good colour for events like these, Melissa had told me. She also said it looks very good with my wig colour and makes my skin tone look pretty. I guess red is my colour.

It was tough to make the dress look good on me though. Melissa and I had fought with it a few times until it looked perfect. I didn't recognize myself at all when I had looked in the mirror. Kellin was erased and replaced with Kali. And sometimes I think that's all Vic wants from me.

I sigh, loudly. This is all too frustrating. Everyone is so fake here, with fake boobs and fake smiles and fake happiness. I am apart of this mass. I am as well, fake. I don't want to be fake anymore, but I doubt Vic will understand that.

I decide to get up and leave my glass of wine and it's company. I should seriously try to mingle and talk to people, but they're all intimidating. I can't let that get to me though. Kali is confident, remember that.

I walk around, not really knowing what I'm doing. The clinking of glasses and laughter is all too loud, and I just want to avoid flashy cameras as best as I possibly can. I understand now why celebrities don't like paparazzi.

I bump right into someone. I wasn't even looking where I was going, I was too engrossed in my thoughts. I step back and shake my head, hoping my wig didn't shift awkwardly (which it probably didn't). I brush myself off a bit, looking up at the person to say sorry.

I recognize the young man immediately. I ran into Cody Carson, one of my so called celebrity crushes.

I try not to freak out internally. Cody is even more good looking up close, honestly. Most people here aren't that amazing in real life, and I suppose neither is Cody, but he looks like it to me.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I say quickly, trying my best not to sound too much like a fangirl.

Cody smiles at me reassuringly, "No worries, neither was I."

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