Chapter 17

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so I changed all my wattpad covers (except the one for one shots). The nicest ones, in my opinion, are this one and the one for Falling Slowly.

tell me what you think of the new cover for this story :)) i like it a lot, so y'know.

Also, I'm very sorry for not updating in a while, I had an extremely busy and strange week.


"Seriously Vic," I say, growing impatient, "Where are we going? You're not, like, kidnapping me, are you?" I glance over at him, just in time to catch him rolling his eyes.

"No I'm not Kell," Vic reassures me, "Do you really think I would kidnap you?"

I shrug, "It depends. You like sneaking into my house apparently, so you could easily be into kidnapping."

Vic laughs, "It's not that I like sneaking into your house, it's just that you're never home when I'm free."

"I was home in the middle of the night that one time."

"I know." He says. We fall silent. I listen to the thrum of the other cars around us. We've been driving for ten minutes, but it doesn't seem like we'll be stopping anytime soon. I wonder where we're going. Vic won't tell me, and I've asked about five times, so I might as well stop asking. What's the use in pointless questions when you're never going to get an answer?

(verb) desire or be curious to know something.

I haven't written anything good in a while. I've been too caught up in the Kali thing that everything I have tried writing comes out simple and boring. I really need to put aside a day for just me and my writing, no distractions. Maybe I could take a day trip. I don't know where I'd go or even if Gerard would let me take one of the cars, but it's fun to fantasize.

"Hey Kellin," Vic snaps me out of my thoughts. I look over at him as he says, "Want any music? We're going to be on the road for a little while longer."

"Sure. Aux cord or?" I ask and Vic answers right away.

"I have a bunch of CDs in the glove compartment. I have A to G at the moment." Vic tells me and I open the glove compartment. There are seven  CDs, each labeled with a letter.

"So basically, you have a bunch of songs on here that all start with the letter the CD is labeled with?" I say, figuring it out on my own.

"Yup." Vic glances over at me quickly and smiles, and then he looks back at the road.

I pick out C from the pile and close the compartment. "This is honestly the cutest thing ever." I say. I absolutely love this idea. "When did you have the time to do this?" I add.

Vic says, "I started at 12, so there's going to be some weird songs on the first few CDs. I'm planning on having the whole alphabet done by the time I'm thirty."

"Wow. This is so cool. I love it." I say, smiling at him. Vic doesn't take his eyes off the road, but he smiles as well. I know that his passion truly is music and not acting, and I wonder if he'll ever move away from this type of work and actually follow his dreams.

I pop in the C CD, and it takes a few seconds to warm up. It starts playing automatically. The songs on the CD itself must not be in alphabetical order, because the first song that plays is Close Down by The Cure. It's a good driving song.

Vic is mouthing along to the words (after the long ass intro) which is absolutely adorable. I keep glancing at him every few seconds, allowing myself to actually appreciate the guy in the seat beside me. To actually get a good look at his features and the curve of his jaw.

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