Chapter 11: Chilling Air

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My mind flashed over and over to Kildra. Her bright blue eyes hiding behind that strange mask seemed to carry a familiar air, but I have never seen her before in my life. I looked back to my friends behind me as they all gazed over a map that Mika brought with her. Leeva gazed over her shoulder as Jago sat on one of the edges to keep it from flying on the saddle.

"If we keep heading this way we should start noticing a change in temperature. If it gets colder we're almost towards the North Pole, and vice versa if it gets warmer." Mika said as she looked up at me with an encouraging smile. I looked around in the sky and not a cloud was to be found, neither was it getting colder. I looked over Mara's saddle and saw just a blue sea. Gaho was looking over the saddle and scoffed, "Don't be so impatient Kohja." He folded his arms across his chest, "It'll take more than a few days to get to the North Pole it's literally the top of the world. Besides your bison is probably tired." Mara roared and I pat her giant ear. "She's a giant bison so don't talk like that. Most bison can carry 12 airbenders on their back all at once. She can handle it. Besides we're almost there according to Mika's map."  Gaho sighed and put his arms behind his head, and gazed towards the clouds above. Ardelia looked towards Tyha, who was sleeping in a large sleeping bag in the back of the saddle, "So who is this?" She poked the side of the sleeping bag causing Tyha to groan and turn over violently. Leeva, who was sitting behind me began to shake, "I'd rather not say anything about him."
    "I killed a man and now they hate me for it." Tyha sat up and locked eyes with Leeva, "Isn't that right?" She slid backwards until she was sitting against my back. She was shaking with fear. "Popped his lungs like they were balloons." Tyha said with a twisted grin. He slid towards her with a crazed look in his eyes as she clutched the end of my robes. "It's a shame that I never got to meet your family too." Tyha said, as he got closer and closer. "I would have done the same to them."
  A heavy thud was heard as I slammed my staff in between the both of them. Tyha looked at me with a confused expression, then began laughing as he stood up to face me. "Come Kohja, you can't be so sour. What's a little harm in reminiscing with friends?" I stepped infront of Leeva and brought my face close to his, "If you harm her. You will not see the next sunrise." I spoke through my seething hatred for him. "Do you understand?" I moved my staff so the end was right over his forehead, and he quickly sat back down before growling at me.
   Ardelia sat stunned at the hostility of Tyha, not moving an inch. She probably was just piecing together the fact that we have a murderer on our bison. After that she moved closer towards the front of Mara, keeping her distance from him. I sat back down in the front of the saddle and felt a sudden chill go up my spine. I exhaled and saw my breath freeze into a white vapor before hearing Mika say between chatters of her teeth, "W-w-we're here..." She quickly grabbed the nearest sleeping bag and jumped inside to save some of her heat, zipping it up to her neck. She looked like a little roll and it made all of us start laughing before we went to sleeping bags of our own.

(Lok Hu)    

"Lok." Called Master Pakku as he came into my quarters. I was cleaning my head dress, as it was stained with blood when I had to tend to our fire nation friend. "Yes Master?" I said as I tried my best not to vomit. I should be the one being called Master. But then again I am the one who wears the Polar Wolf Head dress, so technically I am higher than him. "As it turns out your scouts were correct." He confirmed as he pulled out a map, showing a small red X close to the earth colonies. "A bison was last seen here with an arrow on it's head, a sign of the Air Nation. The Avatar is coming, and he should be here sometime today." I must have been grinning because Pakku slowly shut the map before patting my shoulder. "Remember he is just a child. Don't try to hurt him." I laughed heartily as he walked out of the room, "Don't worry Master Pakku." I called after him, "A kid like him must be insane to fight a water bender anyway." The door to my quarters shut and I sat back down infront of my head dress. As I began to clean it again I felt a smile tugging at the ends of my cheeks again. Maybe this Air Bender would make for a good experiment for my abilities? I thought to myself.. We'll never know unless we try now will we?

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