Chapter 8: The Siege

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"Wake up Gaho." A light voice echoed in the darkness. I couldn't feel my body. Everything felt numb. The voice called again, this time a little louder.

"Wake up Gaho. It's not time for a nap anymore."  I stirred to see my childhood friend Mika staring at me. Mika Vaan has stood beside me during the times I trained for the Defenders of Omashu. Her dark hair fell in a long braid over her shoulder, and various pink scars darted across her dark skin. That was the result of fire nation torture. At a young age she was taken from Omashu and beaten, burned and whipped to get information from. She did not give in to the torture but the memory still hangs in her brain.
"Gaho are you doing okay?" Mika said light heartedly. I slowly sat up in the bed that I was in and looked around to see several other beds. I am in the Omashu infirmary. Infront of me lay Kohja, bound in bandages from head to toe, and he slept soundly. Only his mouth showed through a hole. "I've been better. What's wrong with me?" I asked. I looked down finding no bandages and feeling no pain. Mika gazed at Kohja and responded, "Kohja won the duel against you. He literally shot you towards the king. Almost like a human bullet, I've never seen anything like slammed against the wall and fell unconcious."
   A pain in the back of my head burned as I remembered the fight. I had Kohja on the ropes but something slammed into me. I remembered nothing after that. Suddenly coughing filled the sound of the room as Kohja sputtered blood all over his chest. He sat up in his bed and ripped the bandages off his face and glared at me. "Are you going to start round two or are you going to listen to me Gaho?" He sneered, blood dripping from his nostrils. Mika ran over to him and grabbed the torn bandages on the floor. "Don't move too much! You still haven't even began to recover from the fight!" She pushed lightly on his chest, trying to get him to lay down but he refused, and got out of the bed as if he just didn't get thrown around like a toy. I must have been smiling because Kohja snapped at me. "Shut it. I still won the fight. But that is beside the point. I came to Omashu in search of you." I gasped at the air bender.
   "You were searching for me?" I raised my fist at him, "If you are some kind of undercover assassin I will-"
  "Stuff it. Calm yourself down. The fire nation slaughtered my race and I am lucky I didn't suffer the same fate." He raised his hand at me protectively and his eyes glimmered with tears. "Just hear me out and you may understand more Gaho."  He lay his hand on my shoulder and tried his hardest to smile through pain. However the pain he is feeling is entirely emotional.
   "Okay..I shall listen." I said patting his arm. I looked at Mika as she was setting up the bed again. The airbender slowly dropped down onto the bed as Mika propped up the pillow on it's side. He began to tell me a long story I would not be able to comprehend.


Jeis stared at the All Seeing Pool as it swirled into a new color. We saw Leeva and Tyha both standing in the Throne Room conversing with King Bumi. He seemed to always snicker and take things as a joke but here it's a different story. His eyes no longer carry comedy and madness, but tragedy and sorrow. Leeva clutched  the king as he sobbed.  "She must have told him of the loss of Aang."

"Loss?" I questioned Jeis, "You have been too far away from the Pool. Aang is alive and well." Jeis stared into the Pool to see it glow a lumenscent blue, and show a bald child with perfect air tattoos smiling brightly. He was sitting ontop of a bison similar to Kohjas behemoth except with a light grey fur. A girl with a long braid sat beside him, her ocean blue eyes shining in delight. Another boy sat behind them, the sides of his head shaved and the rest pulled into a small ponytail. Katara and Sokka. "The Avatar is alive and well. Don't worry Jeis, the cycle shall continue." I nodded to him and he twisted the end of his beard and grunted. He says that humans are annoying and frail, but I think he is starting to see the valiant and vigorous nature of humans. He walked out of our sanctuary before I could say anything to him however. I chuckled and sat back towards the All Seeing Pool to see Kohja and Gaho walking out of the infirmary with Mika.

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