Chapter 9: Little Wounds

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I snapped Mara's reins as the sky around us began to clap with thunder. Kohja lay behind me slathered in his own blood. Mika struggled to keep him from bleeding out by putting pressure on his wounds but the amount of blood loss is making him spasm and go into shock. I fought back tears each time I looked at him and I was fearful for the worst. "How long until we reach this village?" I yelled above the thunder. Mara was flying low to the trees because of the last time we flew during a storm she was almost cooked alive by lightning. She's not taking that chance again. Mika was trying to wrap bandages around Kohja's chest when she spoke up. "It should be just ahead if I'm correct! The village is named Li Fe, there's a waterbender that should be able to help us."

My heart began to race as we flew closer and closer towards the village. That's why this area seemed so familiar. We were miles away from the village we took refuge in during the storm and we didn't even realize it. Before long we climbed down towards the ends of the trees and we saw it. Li Fe was still standing after all of these years but things were different. Instead of green banners being hung from poles, crimson banners with a golden flame caressed the sides of buildings, I'm guessing they're hotels. We landed Mara beside a dry patch of trees and we easily picked Kohja up from the saddle. It broke my heart to see a red imprint from where he was laying down but I shrugged away my tears. Mika began to lead us through the ends of the forest away from Li Fe, until we came to gorge, where a small shack resided. Mika banged on the door and shouted above the raging storm, "Mama Hama?! Mama Hama?! We need your help!" She knocked three more times before a small old lady opened the door. Long twilight grey hair cascaded down her back and twin brown eyes hung inside of her shriveled skull. She smiled and looked at Mika, "Oh child what brings you here?" A raspy yet powerful tone emanated as she spoke. Mika walked past her and waved to Gaho to come inside, and he nearly stumbled over as he carried Kohja inside. He looked for a bed and placed him carefully on the top of the bed, a thin river of blood dripped from his hands. He grimaced then walked behind me as I stumbled forward towards the woman. "Mika says you can help him." I said putting my hands together, "We need you to heal him. He has numerous cuts on his body and he's dying. I've never seen someone lose so much blood in my life.." I almost started to cry but the woman put her hand on my shoulder and began to talk. Instead of the power residing in her voice, out came a sorrowful, easy tone. "Listen to me child. I will help him, but do not shed anymore tears for him. Judging by the look on your face you have been crying alot." She glanced up towards a set of stairs leading up towards some rooms and called, "Ardelia? I need your help in here! Where's my water flask?"
A girls voice called back from the first room on the right, "Your flask should be inside of the chest infront of the alchemy station Hama." The door to the room opened and a beautiful girl walked outside. A beautiful two piece silk dress flowed from her body and her dark brown hair had a red tint to it. Her arms carried deep pink scars, a victim of fire bending. Her eyes carried sorrow and loss, like me and Kohja. This is the girl who Esha showed us in the All Seeing Pool, and she is supposed to be a fire bender herself. I took my eyes off of her once I saw a blue glow beside the bed, Hama was already starting to heal Kohja. His robes lay open exposing his chest and I could see the ferocity that he suffered from Serena. In various spots were several cuts that were so deep I could see thin layers of pink muscle exposed. With Hama's water bending however, the skin and muscle began to slowly piece itself back together like someone was sewing fabric back into place. Ardelia walked beside me tapped me on the shoulder, "Who is that man?" She stuttered a little bit. She must not be comfortable around new people. "That's my friend. He was in a horrible fight with a fire nation girl called Serena."
"Serena? The daughter of General Iroh?" Her eyes widened.
"Yes I believe so..she carved him up. I've never seen a firebender up close be so vicious. It was terrifying." She scanned her eyes over me and Kohja and pointed to our robes, "Those are air nation colors..." She slowly put two and two together and grabbed my shoulders, "You both are airbenders?! I thought they were dead!" My eyes shifted to the floor and my voice quavered. "They ARE dead Ardelia. We are the last ones left." Just at that moment I saw blood fly through the air. Kohja began coughing and he spat blood with each wet cough. I ran towards his bedside to see his face turning a light blue color. He was choking on his own blood. Hama raised her hand over Kohja's throat and a ball of water slowly floated towards him. It began to glow blue then his coughing stopped.
"He's fine." She said, "It's just some tissue inside of him is learning to cope with waterbending. He hasn't gotten used to chi therapy yet." With a smile she turned towards me and laughed, "In a few minutes he will be completely healed. Do not worry young one." Her lighthearted tone made my heart feel warm and cozy inside of my chest. I smiled and looked at Kohja on the bed as the rugged breathing he had early was now slow and steady and a smile turned the corners of his lips upwards. Ardelia ran outside suddenly and she began sprinting towards the village, "Don't worry about her. She's just going to her dance group." Hama said as she turned her attention back to Kohja. I glanced at Tyha and began to follow her outside, Mara and Jago began to run after me but I told them to stay. Jago chirped sadly and flew inside of Hama's house just before Tyha shut the door completely while Mara growled and sat beside the window and watched Kohja while he slept. Gaho stayed behind and kept his eyes on Kohja. It's strange but I feel that he actually cares for Kohja without even knowing him for a week.

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