Chapter 7: The Stone City

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The portal dropped us off in a forest out of sight. We slowly walked away from the portal, to watch it swirl like the water in the all seeing pool and burst into a vibrant green light. Tyha and Leeva both gaped at the light as it disappeared, and I started on the journey to Omashu. According to Esha and Jeis, Omashu is a giant stone city created by earth benders. Normally I would be excited to lay my eyes upon a magnificent city, however this is no adventure. This is a mission.

"Come on." I said, hoisting Heesu's staff upon my shoulders. "We have work to do." Mara roared as Jago flew onto my shoulder, chirping with delight. They were able to fit through the portal and come with us. I was happy, they are the last living thing from my nation aside from me and Leeva. We started our journey towards the mountains, and saw a magnificent stone tower potruding from the top. We climbed and climbed for what seemed like ages (we couldn't fly with Mara because she was too tired.) until we finally came to see a marvel of a city, made entirely from rock.
Everything in the city was stone, and appeared to be ran by earth bending. A cart system flurried through out the entire city, carrying numerous different things such as vegetables and fruits. One cart even carried scrolls, probably to deliver to a library. "Wow." Leeva marveled at the city. We aren't even past the front gate yet this place seems amazing. The guards at the gate both wore green and white armor, probably royal guards. Their stone hearted stares bore straight into my brain, a clear threat to anyone walking forward un prepared. I slung my staff over my shoulder and walked forward, "Leave the talking to me. I can get us inside." I said to Leeva and Tyha.
I approached the guards with a smile and I bowed kindly, signifying I mean no trouble. "Greetings. I am Kohja, a..refugee. I come to Omashu in search of some assistance. My friends require medicine, their ailments are life threatening, and the doctor from my camp said to travel to Omashu in search of the medicine to cure them." Leeva and Tyha both stood puzzled, but then slowly started doubling over in coughing fits. The men both glanced at each other then raised their arms into the air. I heard a large creaking noise as the giant stone gate began to move to the earth bending of the guards. As we walked away, Leeva and Tyha began coughing more violently until we were out of sight from the guards.
"Okay that was too easy." Leeva admitted. "Either they are the dumbest guards alive, or we are just simply too good at pretending."
"Who cares?" Tyha said, grinning from ear to ear. "We got in and that's all that matters. I have got to check out the cart system." Tyha ran ahead before we could prevent him from doing anything else, using airbending to double his speed. "Dammit! Why must he do this, we can't be discovered!" I cursed under my breath as I ran after him, Leeva following close behind.

I stood beside Bumi, watching over him as he ate his Geminite candy. It has been a slow day and nothing much has happened since the incident earlier, where a strange man came through asking questions for something called the Avatar. Apparently the Avatar can bend all elements completely without any repercussions. It sounds of blasphemy but Bumi told him to go to the library as we have numerous scrolls there that can help him. "This man seems to know what he's talking about, therefore we should help him." Bumi spoke never taking his eyes off of him. He seemed my age, yet his dark frown never turned into a smile. A red and pink scar bore from his left eye and branched to his ear, and his long black hair was tied into an elegant pony tail. He seemed familiar, as if someone told me a story about him but I just dismissed it.

I snapped out of my thoughts to see one of the kings guards whispering into Bumis' ear. He both seemed very surprised, but saddened, "Bring him to us. I'll question him on my own." I wonder what the man said but Bumi answered my question for me. "We have a visitor. Prepare your new skill for testing. If this is who I think it is we will need all the power we can get." "Yes king Bumi. I shall prepare myself." I walked towards the main door of the throne room and began to channel my energy into a stone, forming a sharp end on one end, while curving the bottom for a hilt, and I smiled as the stone formed the perfect image of a sword. I am ready.

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