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9 March 2016

Dear H,

I'm writing to you because I think you will listen.

No one will listen to me anymore.

It seems that you are not listening, either.

Please, Harry.

Write back.

Even if it's just one word.

Tell me you hate me.

Tell me you don't want to see me ever again.

I don't care.




Say something.

The silence is killing me.

After I saw Liam yesterday, I came home.

I fell asleep.

I dreamt of the first day.

I remember everything.

I will remind you of it,

So that maybe you will come back to me.

"Lou, get back here!" Your laughter seems to envelope me. You reach out and grab me with your strong, firm arms.

"Quit it, Harold!" I squeal, struggling to escape your firm, yet gentle grip, as you begin to tickle me all over.

"Never!" Your laughter harmonizes with my giggles. It is a sound I never want to forget. One I could never forget, even if I tried to.

I finally get you off me by fake-pouting to get my way, using the method I know always works on you. Slight pout of the lower lip. Bat my eyelashes at you.

"Oh, Lou," You sigh dreamily, crawling off me and collapsing at my side. You wrap your arm around me and I press myself firmly into you. "I l-"

"I love you." I beat you to it. It is the first time either of us have exchanged the words.

Your cheeks turn rosier than ever, your eyes gleaming with happiness.

"I love you too, Lou."

Do you still love me?

I still love you.

I want to make plans again.

When can I see you?

Can I see you soon?

Forever Yours,


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