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7 March 2016

Dear H,

I'm writing to you because I know you will listen.

No one will listen to me anymore.

They tell me I'm crazy.

They tell me I messed up really bad this time.

They tell me you're not coming back to me.

Where are you?

Did you leave me?

Are they right?

I tell them they're wrong.

Please help me prove them wrong.

Come back.

I need to hear your voice, H.

Can't you at least write me back?

My doctor says I'm getting worse.

I tell him he's wrong.

He tells me to let go.

I don't want to let go, H.

I hope he doesn't find out I'm writing you.

I don't think he likes you.

He says you're no good for me anymore.

But then, I suppose I'm also no good for you,

If what they say is true.

I'm sorry for whatever I did, Harry.

I love you.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

I would never hurt you on purpose.

Do you know that, love?

Do you know I'd do anything to bring you back?

Do you know I've barely slept since you left?

I don't know want I did wrong.

It was an accident.

My doctor tells me accidents happen.

I tell him that letting you slip away was my biggest accident.

He tells me to let go.

I tell him I can't let go, 'cause you're the only thing that keeps me holding on.

He tells me to try to find my purpose in something new.

I tell him no, Harry is my purpose.

He tells me you're gone.

I know that's a lie.

You don't have to hide from me, H.

You don't have to shut me out.

I'm still in love with you.

I want to make plans again.

When can I see you?

Can I see you soon?

Forever Yours,


A/N: Is anyone actually reading this book?😂I have many plans for where it will go, and I plan on frequently updating :) God bless all!!

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