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6 March 2016

Dear H,

I'm writing to you because I know you will listen.

No one will listen to me anymore.

They tell me I'm crazy.

I don't think I'm crazy.

I just miss you.

Come back to me, Harry.

I need you.

I lost count of how many days it's been.

I told myself to count.

I guess I messed that up, too.

I miss the color of your eyes.

I miss the way my hand fits in yours.

I miss the way your eyes would sparkle when you told me about home.

I miss your constant laughter.

I miss the way you'd hold me when I had nightmares.

I miss the sound of your soft snores.

I miss all of you, H.

If you would just come back to me,

We could sort everything out.

I promise I won't mess up again.

Just come back.


Come back tonight.

I will leave a key under the door mat.

I will set the timer on the coffee maker.

I will pour your coffee just how you like it, three quarters creamer and one quarter coffee.

I will make some tea, too, so I can drink my tea and you can drink your coffee.

Just like old times.

We can start over, Harry.

If that's what you want.

I'll do whatever you want.

Just come home.


I feel lost.

Writing to you isn't enough.

I'm scared I won't see you again.

I can't stay awake much longer.

I don't know when I last slept.

I try to stay awake.

Just in case you decide to come home.

My doctor says it is not good for my health to stay awake all the time.

I tell him being apart from you is not good for my health.

He tells me my broken heart will heal.

I don't think it will, H.

I really don't think it will.

I need to see you.

I want to make plans again.

When can I see you?

Can I see you soon?

Forever Yours,


DEAR H. (l.s)Where stories live. Discover now