Chapter Twelve: Redemption Will Be Found

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The only thing I can see is darkness, just shadows. Just like when I was running from those monsters back in Beccles, just before Caleb...

"Leigh! Wake up!" I hear someone yell, and feel someone shaking me awake. I groan, and then someome drags me to my feet. My eyes open slowlyand every bone in my body aches as I look around me. Everything is fuzzy, and I can only see blurred figures moving in the night. "Leigh, come on,we need to get out of here! There's bloats and drinkers all over the place!"

"Caleb...?" No, Caleb is dead, it'll never be Caleb ever again. I blink, and my vision clears a little, allowing me to see sandy-brown hair and glaring green eyes. "Barrone, what...what..."

"We need to move, Leigh, you need to hurry up!" I've never heard him so panicked...he doesn't seem the sort of guy to get so workedup about something...

I hear a loud yell in the distance, and blink again to clear my vision a little more. Barrone grasps my hand tighter than before as he tugs me onward, his grip clammy and harsh.

"Help me! Somebody, please!"

"Who's that?" I ask worriedly. "Chappell?"

"No, it's a drinker." I hear Crilly say quickly. "It's mimicking Chappell's voice."

"How is that even possible?!" Jake exclaims. I hear another screech, and as my vision clears I run faster down the road, Barrone tugging me quickly forwards.

"It's not, as far as I know." Barrone says. "Leigh, give Jim the gun."

I pass Jim the handgun quickly, and then follow on behind the others. I hear a gunshot and then a loud screech,and shudder slightly at the sound.

"Where the hell even are we?" Crilly gasps out.

"England." Barrone replies, deadpan. I would facepalm if it weren't for, you know, our lives being in danger and all...

"No shit, Sherlock." Jake grumbles.

"Is that a car?!" Jim exclaims suddenly; we all begin to study the night ahead of us, and I don't see anything. All I can see is darkness. I blink again, my vision clearing almost completely, and then I see the shape in the distance, a dark outline of what I'm assuming is a car.

"I see it!" I gasp. We quickly approach it, and Jake and Alex both rush towards it, tugging on the doors.They open quickly, and I watch as everyone goes to bundle in. Then, I realise our blunder.

"The fuel tank. Is it empty?" I ask. Crilly quickly checks it, and then shakes his head.

"It's half full!" He grins. At that, we all squeeze inside the car - Jim and Crilly in the front, Alex and Jake squished beside Barrone and I in the back. "There's no keys, though..." I hear a few harsh clicking and scraping noises, and then Crilly and Jim chuckle between themselves.

"Hotwiring a car? So bad ass." Jim laughs. After a few seconds of Crilly fiddling around, the car starts, and he thumps his foot down on the accelerator pedal. I hear screeches in the distance, and shudder; we were so close to being killed, I was so close to being killed... I could have died, I would be dead right now, if it weren't for Barrone pulling me out of that... Barrone saved my life, again.

"Thank you." I say quietly as I look up at him. He looks slightly confused as he meets my gaze.

"For what?"

"For saving my life again. I would be dead if it-"

"Sh." He cuts me off quickly. "Don't mention it, really. It's fine."

"But you-"

"Just get some sleep, Leigh. You're exhausted." He sighs, before looking out through the middleof the two front seats and to the dark road ahead. Now you mention it, I am pretty tired,actually... I haven't even slept much these past few days... So, I close my eyes, and try to get to sleep. But instead of going to sleep, I for a while just listen,as I've done these past few nights when I've failed to sleep much. I listen to the sound of rain beginning to patter down on the roof of the car, and of thunder crashing in the distance. I listen to the sound of empty radio static as Jim fiddles with the dial on the radio, and of Alex and Jake's low snores as they sleep again. I listen to the sound of the car's engine humming, and of Crilly, Jim and Barrone speaking between themselves.

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