Chapter 24-December 1st, 1495

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December 1st, 1495

                There was no way I wanted to wake up that morning. The sky was stormy and upset like a bull ready to fight. After that day, I swore that storms had been cursed upon our ship for our voyage. When I got up to do the supply check for the week, it turned out that we still weren’t doing so good since the incident not too long ago. Not having enough food was still enough for someone to neglect their duty though. I couldn’t wait to go home after all of this drama on board Omega Jade.

                With another food shortage, the crew members all became lazy and unreasonable to work with. This cost us a lot of damage. I’d gone below deck when I’d heard a storm passing by. It was no where as big as the one that had cost Gregg’s life, but a storm all the same. The lazy crew was no help, I was practically doing all the work myself when I heard a terrible creaking noise. Looking back towards the storage room, the hatchway had been destroyed and sea water was pouring into where all the fresh food was stored. Without anyone taking proper care of the ship, I should have known something like this would happen.

I ran over to the storage room and tried to salvage as much food as I could. At somepoint during the storm, Joel came to help me and I was grateful for having him around for once. After moving all the food below deck where there wasn’t as much water, the storm ‘conveniently’ stopped. After checking the supplies, it turned out that more than half of our food supply was ruined. Even some of the fresh water was mixed in with the salt water that splashed onto the boat from the ocean.

Joel watched me separate the food and try to figure out a new way to ration food. The crew was going to be terribly upset and I didn’t know if there was anyway to give them bigger portions. Eventually Joel left and I wandered up to the deck, looking at the night sky. I squinted at the stars, they looked really familiar to the ones I could see from the roof of Aunt Myla’s. The more I looked, the more I recognized them. I smiled to myself and knew that we would be landning soon. With this, I could give everyone a slightly bigger portion than I would usually with this terrible amount of food we had left.

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