Chapter 19-November 5th, 1495

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November 5th, 1495

The image of the Taino girl being thrown overboard haunted my dreams and even my thoughts when I was still awake. It had almost been a week but I still couldn’t shake that horrible incident. When I had wandered down to where she was kept, it turned out that there was way more than just one girl down there. There must have been over a dozen that we were taking back to Portugal. I was in the middle of checking supplies and they were excellent since we had stocked up at the island. Although I wasn’t prone to illness, I was kind of afraid that they’d throw me over if I did get sick.

Luckily, the wind was with the ship and we were sailing towards home fast. The sea was also calm and I was already dreaming about how happy my Aunt Myla would be when she saw me. Striker had taken over the navigation and he was pretty good at it too. There wasn’t a day when we had gone of course yet. Days on the ship were still as boring as ever and there was nobody to really talk to. My stomach was hurting from the guilt of deceiving everyone though. Lying wasn’t usually something I did for long periods of time.

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