Chapter 16-October 21st, 1495

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October 21st, 1495

After more than a week of barely successful treasure hunting, the captain decided that it was time to turn back. All of the crew was excited and so was I. My sprits rocketed sky-high when I thought of being home again. I’d get to see my Aunt Myla again and I could give her all the pretty necklaces that I had gotten. Of course, the journey back would be easier since we had already traveled the route, but that wouldn’t make it any less dangerous.

The captain had cooled off from his little explosion but the crew members were still cautious of him. Eliza was feeling better and her wrist and ankle were feeling better every day. Captain Nyle had gone and apologized to her during the time that I was watching over her to make sure she rested. He looked sincerely sorry about what he had done and I supposed that tempers really do blind a person from reality. I went to sleep, never imagining what would happen a few days from then.

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