Chapter Three

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Hey buddies!
Here's the chapter three...
I hope you like this chapter
Thanks for the 800+ reads YAY :)

Gif from Lily James ↑↑↑↑
* the gif doesn't belong to me I took it from google* ;)

One Question: Are you seeing it? ↑↑↑
• I post a new story go there check it out.

Music: fix You♡♥


And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?*

Blood! It is all I see, a dark red liquid spreads all over the living room, the walls full of a vicious blood making the pure white color looks so red as the most beautiful rose in the castle of Wonderland.

I wrinkled up my nose while the odors of a sweet smell of blood hit me. The intoxicated perfume made me shiver.

I couldn't fell my heart beating, my body was frozen on the ground, I was shaking violently while my eyes was looking for something or someone suspect that could appear and kill me at any moment.

The situation of my living room is devastating, it is all destroyed, my coach and grey carpet is scratched as if a huge animal had had put his claws on it and ruin it all. My tv, photographs, cds, dvds, Everything!

I pushed myself forward and took one photography, which crashed down on the ground, the broken glasses were all spread on the floor. I stared at the blonde man while I sigh, my Dad! the man that I consider my best friend and hero was smiling at me, his smile was so big that it could turn my day brighter, just to look at him makes me happier.

There is blood on it, a big spot is covering his face, fingers marks is all over the photo, I frowned I haven't noticed it before.

I heard a moan on the other side of the room, my body slowly stood up from the ground while my shaken hands took some big glasses that was on the floor.

I followed the sound until I see the light of the kitchen.

My patchwork quilt which I won from my gradma was on the floor, I kicked it and pushed the door open.

When my eyes makes its way around and land on the slaughtered body I felt like my hole being was lifeless, my heart was beating faster in my chest, I was shaking viciously, my eyes started to blurry while I watched the scene with horror.

My hands flew to my mouth immediately, the glass on my hand fell on the floor, I could feel fresh tears falling down my face.

" Mommy?" I whimpered.

In the next second I was at her side holding tight onto her hand. This is not happening, not right now, I can't lose her too!

"Sweety?" I heard a soft moan from her.

My head lift and I looked at my mom through my blurry vision, I started at her for a long moment before I lost the control, her beautiful hazel eyes are almost lifeless, her face is pale and her mouth, that before was a beautiful pink color, right now her lips are dark purple almost like her life was drained from her little by little.

"Mom?" I shook her a little, I looked at my mother's body and everything my eyes could focus was blood, there's some deep scratches on her arms, legs and stomach.

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