6. Keeping A Secret

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As they're walking towards the door, Claire says, "Wait. Shane, what if they notice something's different and ask you why were you at my house?" "Um..just say that I stopped for a snack at the store near your house and I ran into you, or something.." Claire said okay then they went inside.

Flora was the first to see Shane. "Hi, Shane. What have you been up to??" Then she noticed Claire. "Oh, dear...what happened? Not a vampire attack was it?" That's when everything went quiet. "Grandmother. No. Her mother has hurt her, she can stay here?" Flora nodded repeatedly. "Yes, yes of COURSE!" Shane went over to see Mia. (Mia's POV) Oh, I missed Shane so much. I was so excited to see him!!! (Shane's POV) She leaned in to kiss me, but I backed away without thinking. It just didn't feel right. I felt so guilty...Mia looked immediately hurt. Oh man, I thought, Now look what I did. She looked like she was about to cry almost..

(Mia's POV) Why didn't he kiss me? Am I suddenly not good enough? Did he find someone else? Is he cheating on me? Naw, he'd NEVER do something like that...right? I got up before he could talk to me and told them I had to go to the bathroom. I went but I only went so I could cry privately. Just that little thing could mean so much to me...Just because he didn't want to kiss me. But that shouldn't be a problem..right? Then I thought of something that shouldn't have been thought....Would Ryan not kiss me again?

......Just one tiny thing..could mean the world to me...or eternity...

How do I feel?

When I was finally done crying, I walked out and ran straight into Peter. "Sorry." Mia hardly spoke to him anymore. She felt as if the vampire in him literally CHANGED him. His personality. His appearance....

"Mia...you alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine." Mia hurriedly walked past her vampire brother, and into the guest room. Heck, everyone practically LIVED there!! We basically had our own guest rooms. And since Mia's mother was basically at the hospital everyday, she didn't see her a lot. Noah(Mia's mother) wanted to spend every moment with her husband. Because they still couldn't tell if he was okay. But the good news was that he was out of a coma.

2 weeks went by, and Mia just pretended she didn't have a boyfriend, almost.It was hard. She was so upset. So after 2 days she just stayed at her house. Her phone rang..."Hello." "Mia, I'm outside.", a familiar male voice said. She got up, so confused, and opened the door....

"Ryan...what are you doing here?!"

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