21: Goodbye Gravity Falls

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The next morning came. The bus leaves at 10:00. Mabel and Dipper looked at their empty bedroom once again. Dipper looked down and rolled his suitcase downstairs. Mabel frowned a little, looking at her phone. Bill didn't even text her.

Mabel sighed.

She walked downstairs with her brother and put her suitcase in the car. Ford and Stan were outside with them, waiting for a goodbye hug.

Mabel hugged Ford and then Stan.

"See you next summer, kid." Stan smiled.

Mabel smiled. "We'll be here."

After their hugs, the twins went in the car and Stan drove to the bus stop. They stepped outside with their suitcases and waited for the bus.

9:53 am.

Mabel glanced at her phone and saw that Bill texted her.

Bill: Mabel please where are you? you haven't been in school for two days now. im worried

Mabel decided to text back for once.

Mabel: im leaving town today

Bill: what?? no please I need you here

Mabel didn't respond.

The quiet minutes passed and no one said a word.

9:56 am.

The bus came up to the stop and the doors open.

"Last bus to California." The driver said.

The twins turned around and hugged Stan one more time before stepping onto the bus. The doors closed and the twins waved from the window. Stan smiled and waved back.

The bus drove away from the town of Gravity Falls. Dipper fell asleep while Mabel played with her phone. Bill was constantly on her mind...

10:06 am.

Mabel's phone buzzed and opened it. It was a text from Bill. She realized it was a picture. She loaded the picture and it was a photo of the entire school of Gravity Falls with a banner that said "We'll miss you, Mystery Twins!"

Bill texted in the caption, "See you next summer, Shooting Star."

Mabel smiled.

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