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WELCOME MY FELLOW WATTPADERS TO THE NEWEST CHALTER OF CASS'S SHOUTOUTS AND PROMOTIONS!! I just want to thank you all that have read this I feel like this has really been a good hit for me so thanks for all your support <3 this chOter shall be dedicated to the newest person I decided to follow only twenty minutes ago!!

Jezieboo, the only reason I knew she even existed was from one of her comments on a book that I keep close tabs on. Otherwise, I wouldn't been able to meet this cool gal! I went to her page to check out her works, and well I love them <3 I only read her poetry collection so far but ahhhh she is so much better at writing than me Dx I'm going to read her other book later but for now I shall do this wonder ful shoutout for her ^^

1.) Book of poems: this is where Jezieboo hides all her amazin poetry <3 there aren't that many bu hopefully she makes more super soon cause I love them all, especially the oat one <3. there is no summary for it though

Like I said that's all I've read from her currently but later on I shall read her Doctor Who FANFIC! She go check her page out, I mean look at her picture isint she just cute ;) <3 hahaha ok let me stop being flirty my heart belongs to someone already ^^ Read rate comment vote and follow! Have an awesome day! Summer is coming to a close soon!

But before you guys and gals leave, I want to explain my promotion part of my book. If you guys have a club or a book you want to advertise to the world, just give me a message with a summary and description of the club or book! If it's a club I would love you to give me some things your club does and any contest it's having. If it's a book please give us a little teaser and tell us how you came up for the idea of the book :) now you may go BYEEEE I LOVE YOU ALL <3

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