Promotion!: ProjectWrite

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ProjectWrite has this noble cause that I must share with my followers and any fellow WATTPADERS who come to read this! This person has dedicated their entire profile into help the newest and struggling members of wattpad! That has to be the nicest thing anyone here could do! I wish he (or she I have no idea) would had made this earlier XDDD anyways I found him in a thread in the improve your writing club (how ironic :) ) there you can join his club where he'll or she'll publish books with tips and rules on how to write a story! I read it personally and I dare say it's even helped me start improving my writing ( I never thought it was even possible!)

Also for the club members, there is a contest where you an enter your works for him or her to judge. If you pass that round than everyone else in the club will have a week to read your works and vote on their favoriets. If you win you made it to the wall of fame!!!! No only that butthis contest will help you get some readers and possible some new followers! Two birds with one stone! I wished I had entered but I felt like I wasn't good enough BUT DON'T BE LIKE ME ENTER YOU NEVER KNOW YOU MIGHT BE THE WINNER ;)

If you want to join the club then just follow him and he'll or she'll follow back! If you want more information just go visit his/her page and ask them yourself ;)

Oh and yeah his/her profile name is ProjectWrite

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