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I remember one day waaaay back when I first created my account on wattpad, one of _GirlInTheStars_ books popped up in my suggestion list. So I decided why not and clicked to read. THANK YOU WATTPAD CAUSE YOU HELPED ME GAIN AN AMAZING FRIEND! Stars(what I call her sometimes) was my second friend I made on wattpad so she is very special to me ^^

I talk to Stars alot, she just a cool and amazing friend to spend time with. He's a major Whovian! Even all her works are Doctor Who Fanfics XD. That's basically what we always talk about too, STARS THE TIME LADY AND IM WATSON HER FAITHFUL COMPANION! So if you guys love Doctor Who, she's a must go too! Oh and Stars, I luv chu <3~

1.) The Girl with The Green Eyes: my personal favorite from stars :) it was the very book that lead me to her! I love this book it's also one of my all time favorites ^^

Summary: An entire 19 years of my life, just gone. I don't even know my own name. Then I met him. The man who changed everything. The man who saved my life. The Doctor.

2.) Black Haired Girl: the sequel to Girl with green eyes, and it's already looking promising :) read the first one though so your not lost ^^

Summary:[Sequel to The Girl with Green Eyes]

I made my decision, I became a TimeLady again.

When the TARDIS lands underwater near a city, the Doctor and Stars decide to check it out. When they do, they find a nasty surprise. Will they be able to set it right, or will they be stuck on that planet forever?

3.) Key to another world: ANOTHER DOCTOR WHO FANFIC! what would happen if the doctor showed in real life?? Would you tell him everything you know about his past?!? Will he go bat crazies ?!?

Summary: sorry there is no summary for this :p

4.)The best of Wattpad: this is basically what I'm doing diff now hahahaha XDD I should probably go do that interview now :p

Summary:I'm doing Wattpad interviews! PM me if you want an interview! I'll dedicate each interview to the person it's about. I hope you can find some good books to read and great people to follow!

Annnnnd that's all folks! Stars has a couple more all doctor who fics :)! So go so her some love, follow read vote rate and comment! Who knows you might just make a new awesome friend ;) Oh and have a good day :)

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