Chapter 17 Recovery

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Yu and Shinoa tended to Gurens wounds. A groan could be heard from Guren. Yu and Shinoa were relieved to see he was alright. " head feels heavy." Guren muttered as he opened his eyes and saw Shinoa and Yu above him. Yu smiled."Good to see your awake stupid Guren.." Yu said in a relieved tone. Guren chuckled a little."Yea..where's Kureto?.. " Yu went silent. Yu looked over at Where Aoi was next to Kureto's corpse. Guren turned his head to see. He was silent out of respect as he saw how heart broken Aoi was.

"Where is Shinya?.." Guren asked softly. Shinoa looks over at Shinya and gestures him to come over to Guren's side. Yu helped take the rope that held his hands and ankles together. Shinya sat beside Guren and looked into his eyes."..Hey's been awhile.." He spoke in a sympathetic tone. Guren smiled a little."Yea it okay? " Shinya nods as his eyes watered up a bit."Yea I'm okay..I'm just glad your okay. Are you able to move?" Guren shrugged."I don't know..I'll try though." Guren started to sit up and Shinya was his support if he couldn't get up on his own. After Guren was able to stand he had a clear view of Kureto's dead body and the woman Aoi who was sobbing over her lover.

Mika walked over to Yu."...We have rescued your comrades. So what's next?" Yu looked over at Kimizuki and could see how infuriated he was."Our mission isn't a hundred percent complete..we have to find Kimizuki's sister." Mika nodded."Alright. Once we've accomplished that then we can leave." Yu nods in response. Yoichi hesitantly walks over to Kimizuki and gently brushed his fingertips over his arm."..Kimizuki..lets go find your sister..I'm sure she's here somewhere.. " Kimizuki picked up his blades and glared down at the man who dared to experiment on his sister. Yoichi could see kimizuki's burning hatred and wanted to help him in any way he could. Yoichi figured that if Kimizuki found his sister then maybe he'd calm down.

Kimizuki brushed off Yoichi."I'll go find her myself..the mission is already finished. We found Shinya and Guren. You guys can head out without me.." Kimizuki wasn't acting like himself and it scared Yoichi. Yu furrowed his brows. Yu was about to speak his mind but Mika stopped him. Yoichi picked up his bow and followed Kimizuki."I'm coming with you Kimizuki. In case you need help then I'm here for you." Kimizuki was silent but nodded in response."will you two be alright on your own?.." Yu asked. Kimizuki nods once more."Yea.." He didn't call Yu any names which was strange. Guren spoke up."You two should be fine. From what I remember there are no solders here. Your sister should be out that door and down the hallway." Kimizuki without any second thoughts set out to find his sister. Yoichi thanked Guren and followed Kimizuki.

Shinoa looks at Mitsuba who was still on her knees looking at her sister with pity and sorrow. Shinoa bit her bottom lip lightly and couldn't stand seeing Mitsuba in such a state. Shinoa understood why Mitsu was as heartbroken as she was. Everyone was silent as Shinoa approached Mitsu and consoled her. Shinoa gently placed her hand on Mitsuba's back. No words were said between the two of them. Only actions spoke louder. Shinoa hugged Mitsuba in a comforting way and rubbed her back in soothing circles. After a little bit Mitsuba looked up at Shinoa and thanked her. She stood up and looked at her sister who held Kureto close to her own body."...Sis.." Mitsuba spoke as her voice cracked a little. Aoi didn't budge or respond."Sis..come with us..and..we can take Kureto too.." Mitsuba tried to be as delicate as possible as she spoke to Aoi.

"...I'm not going..I won't go with the people who took him away from me.." Aoi gently laid Kureto down off of her lap."Instead I'm going where Kureto is!" She draws out her sword and aimed it towards her heart. Mitsuba's eyes widen as she screamed out for her to stop. Aoi almost pierced her heart but someone stopped her. It was Yu. Yu blocked her sword from killing her with his own."Stop and think about what your doing." Yu said as he looked at Aoi with seriousness."..I get that your in pain can't just die and leave Mitsuba behind! She's your sister! Mitsuba cares for you deeply." Aoi furrowed her brows."Shut up, child!" Shinoa abruptly stood up."Don't be such a fool!! Didn't Kureto tell you to live for him!!" Aoi gasped at that. Kuretos words repeated in her mind. She dropped her sword and collapsed onto her knees as she sobbed. Yu sheathed his sword."Lets all go..once Yoichi and Kimizuki come back."

4 Month later.
Many things happened over the past few months. The vampire human war was finally coming to an end. Slowly the world was rebuilding and recovering. Humans and vampires began to coexist. Some vampires were still against humans and some humans were still against vampires. Queen Krul and Guren formed an alliance to maintain order for both races.

Guren had dealt with Mahiru and was able to exercise her from his body. She no longer had a body to return to so she disappeared from the world and from Guren. It took Guren those full four months to not be affected so heavily by Mahiru's death. With Shinya by his side he was able to cope better. Shinoa and Mitsuba would visit Aoi in prison every Thursday and check on how her rehabilitation was going after the loss of Kureto. Aoi slowly but surely was beginning to smile more and grow a strong bond with Mitsuba. Kimizuki and Yoichi would visit Mirai in the hospital as much as they possibly could. During the months that passed, Yoichi was able to confess his feelings to Kimizuki that he kept bottled up for so long. Kimizuki had excepted his feelings and returned his own feelings as well. Mirai would always tease the two of them whenever they came to visit.

Meanwhile Yu and Mika spent alot of time together. They talked to Guren about turning themselves back into humans. There was a way to do it. For Mika it was possible to become human but for Yu it was impossible because Ferid was dead. In order to turn back they needed to drink the blood of the one who turned them. Ferid's body disintegrated right after Yu cut him in half. There were no alternatives for Yu. Yu smiled sadly."It's my own damn fault. I was a reckless idiot as I've always been. I'm okay with living my life as a vampire. As long as I get to spend time with my family.." Yu seemed content with his new life."If that's the case then I want to stay as a vampire with Yu-chan." Mika spoke. Yu's eyes widen slightly."But Mika!..y-you can go back!..your able to live a normal life!..I just..I want you to be happy Mika.." Mika holds Yu's hands in his own."I'm happy as long as I'm with you. A life without you isn't worth living.." Mika looked into Yu's crimson eyes. Both Guren and Krul were present as they watched the two." Have you two made your decision then?" Krul asked. After long moments of silence they both nodded a Yes.

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