Fake Red Eyes? chapter 10

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Mika and Yu were able to escape with Shinoa and the others but they were separated from Shinya. It was late at night now and everyone was in a lil camp spot for now. Yu was sitting alone looking at the stars in the sky. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He wished he could kill Ferid and make him pay make him suffer horribly for all the pain he and Mika went through for the four years they were separated.

Mika was checking the surrounding area to see if there were any four horsemen of john or vampires. Yoichi noticed Yu was in deep thought all alone and decided to see if he could comfort him in any way."Yu-kun?...." Yoichi sits beside Yu and looks at him."..Yu-kun?... Is...is there something wrong?" Yu looks at Yoichi and shakes his head side to side."n-no nothing really...." Yoichi didn't buy that answer one bit. Yoichi had a question of his own he needed to ask of Yu but he was scared to ask and afraid of the outcome after asking. Yoichi was about to speak but Mika came back and sat down by Yu. Mika glared at Yoichi a lil as he hugged Yu.

Yoichi didn't want to cause any trouble. "..well I'll be going back to the group then." He said as he stood up and went back to the others. Yu sighed feeling bad that he worried Yoichi. Mika looks at Yu and sweeps his bangs gently to the side."...Yu-chan?..what's wrong?.." Yu sighed and looked up at Mika."...Its just...I'm so pissed...I'm so angry so frustrated.." Yu leaned his head gently against Mika's chest and tears began to spill."I hate that damn Nobel...he ruined everything for us..if it wasn't for him our family would still be together..you would still be a human..I would've been human.."

Mika hugs Yu close to his body and tilts Yu's chin up so he could kiss away Yu's tears."Yu-chan...we are still together.. I'm sure Akane and the others must be relieved that were back together.." Mika strokes Yu's raven hair as he looked into his eyes."..Yu..I'm just so greatful that I have you with me. If you were dead to...i-i couldn't live with myself..I couldn't go on not without you..if you had fought Ferid earlier today..i-i would've lost you." Yu places his hands gently against Mika's cheeks to caress them."Mika...sorry...I won't leave you. I'll never leave your side no matter what lies ahead for us." Mika nodded and leaned down placing a gentle kiss on Yu's soft lips. Yu kisses him back with passion.

Shinoa glances over and smirks a little seeing the two kissing."Hey love birds! Enjoying sucking each others faces?!" She teased. Yu pulled away and glared at Shinoa with a flustered face while Mika was flustered and embarrassed. "Sh-Shut up Shinoa!" Yu growled slightly. Shinoa giggled seeing Yu a lil more himself now. Shinoa and the others were worried about how he was acting earlier. Kimizuki stands up and looks at Yu."Oi! Yu!...putting all joking aside..I have a important question to ask....what's up with your eyes..why are they red?" Yus froze from kimizuki's sudden question. Mika looks at Kimizuki with wide eyes as well. Yu swallows thickly. "K-Kimizuki I can explain...my eyes.." Yoichi entervines."Its eye contacts that Yu is using!.."

Kimizuki arches a brow."That so?...why are you even waring them?.. Tryin to cosplay as a vampire?" Yu's lips trembled a lil."Y-Yea kinda for when I infiltrate into the vampire city to find Gurren..I think will have to barge in the place ourselves since Shinya might've been taken to the city." Yu's heart was racing his stomach was turning. He felt anxious from all this. Kimizuki sighed and nodded."Guess will have to find some red eye contacts as well when we go there." Everyone nodded in agreement. Mitsuba claps her hands."Okay guys lets get some rest! We'll need it for tomorrow! " Shinoa looks at Mitsuba."Boy Mitsu-chan you don't have to yell in my ear.."

Mitsuba glares at Shinoa with a slight blush."Whatever! Just get some rest already!" She huffed and lays down with her back facing everyone."Alright lets get rest everyone." Shinoa repeated more clamly and came over to Mitsuba and laid beside her. Kimizuki sits by Yoichi and falls asleep. Yoichi smiled a lil and rested his head gently against kimizuki's shoulder. Yoichi knew that Yu was not human anymore but no matter what he was his friend and he will protect him no matter what.

Yu sighed and went limp in Mika's arms. Yu was afraid of everyone finding out he was a vampire. He didn't want everyone to hate him for it. Yu was so greatful to Yoichi so greatful and so was Mika. Mika sighed and laid down with Yu in his arms."Rest for now Yu-chan.. I'll keep watch for the night." Yu nodded and burried his face into Mika's chest."Okay....goodnight Mika.." Mika smiled slightly."Goodnight Yu-chan."

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