Your dead meat Chapter 11

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Ferid sat along on the rooftop licking his lips."Hmm I'm so thirsty..I really do want some blood ..."Ferid smirked at the thought of soon grabbing a hold of Yu."Feird." A voice called out from behind. Ferid slightly turned his head spotting Crowely."Ah~ Crowely, what a unexpected visit." Crowely sits beside Ferid."So, Ferid what's with that blood lust in your eyes?" Ferid smirked a bit more and placed his chin on the palm of his hand as he looked at the ruined city of Tokyo."I have my eyes set on a certain human. I certainly can't wait to get a taste of him."

Crowley arches a brow."..Oh?" Crowely tilted his head slightly. Ferid chuckled lightly as he stood up."Lets head out. We still have some humans to kill and livestock to claim." Crowely smiled nodding as he stood up."You have a point" Crowely responded as he followed Ferid.

Mika woke up after having about two hours of sleep after keeping watch for most of the night. He looked down at the special person on top of him who seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Mika smiled at how cute Yu looked."Yu-chan~.." He muttered softly and planted a gentle kiss on the top of his head. Mika smiled at how Yu nuzzled against Mika's chest in his sleep. Mika hugs his lover closer to his body in a loving and protective way.

Yoichi stirred awake from his slumber and noticed how caring and loving Mika was being to Yu. Yoichi could see that Mika really did love him. Yoichi slowly stood up from so he wouldn't wake up Kimizuki. Yoichi approaches Mika."...Hello..Mika.." Yoichi spoke with a gentle whisper. Mika slightly glared at Yoichi."...Hello.... " Yoichi sat down across from Mika and Yu."...What do you want?.." Mika asks as he held Yu more protectively. Yoichi could sense Mika's overprotectiveness and could clearly see it in his eyes. Yoichi gulped as he looked at Mika."Well..I..wanted to talk..and um..well..if worse comes to worse I want you to run away with Yu." Mika arches his brow in confusion. "...Wha..?..what do you mean?.."

Yoichi looks at Mika with a serious face."I know that Yu isn't human if things get bad with the others then I want you two to run..I cannot bare to see Yu be hurt..he's a precious Friend.." Mika was silent for a moment." you and the rest of Yu's friends..that's why I've stayed with all of you for this long..and so far you've all shown that you care for Yu-chan just as much as I do..." Mika strokes Yu's hair." But Yu-chan is afraid..he's scared of everyone finding out that he is no longer human.." Yoichi looked at Yu with a worried expression. " then..what if we told everyone and told them not to be so hard on Yu.." Mika looks down at Yu."...No..I don't think Yu-chan is ready yet..I'd rather wait until were in a safe place."

Yoichi nodded."I understand...-" Suddenly a loud explosion was heard nearby causing the ground to rumble and a few chunks of building scattering throughout the area. Everyone woke up instantly from the loud ruckus. Mika held Yu close and gaurded him from the debres."M-Mika?!" Yu yelled out frantically as he held on to him. Yoichi was able to protect himself with his power of Gekkōin. Kimizuki rushed over to Yoichi."Yoichi!!" Kimizuki yelled out to him as he reached him. Shinoa protected Mitsuba as a huge bolder flew towards them. Mika coughed from the cloud of dust."Y-Yu-chan are you alright?"

Yu nodded coughing a lil."I-Im okay. What ab-bout you Mika?" Mika drew his sword."I'm alright.." The dust cloud began to clear up."Haha~ look at what we have here~" A familiar sarcastic voice was heard which made Mika cringe in disgust."Ferid." Mika said with a menacing voice. Ferid smirked."Hello Mika dear and hehe Yu-chan." Yu looked at Ferid with a glare."You..." Yu uttered with hatred and bitterness. Yu gently got out of Mika's hold and drew his sword. Ferid smiled widely and attacked Mika. Mika reacted blocking him with his sword."Mika!!!!" Yu screamed and hurriedly went after Ferid. Ferid kicked Mika to the side and grabbed Yu by the neck."Ahaha~ all to easey."

Mika grunted and used his sword as a crutch to help him up."Yu-chan!!! " Ferid chuckled as he forced Yu to let go of Asuramaru and bend him against his will."Now I can finally have a taste and satisfy my craving~ mm." Ferid pulled down Yu's collar and took off his cape."N-No let go!!" Ferid was amused by Yu's struggling and persistence."Haha~ Yu-chan your so entertaining ~ all the more fun I'll have when I suck you up." Mika was fuming with anger and blood lust."I'LL KILL YOU! GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF HIM!!!!" Ferid was just about to bite Yu's exposed neck but Mika slashed off both of Ferid's arms. Mika held Yu close and pulled up his sleeve."He is mine. Don't you ever touch him you disgusting bastard." Mika had a firm grip on Yu. Ferid chuckled and winced in a bit of pain."Haha oh dear that really hurt Mika-kun...all the more reason for me to teach you a lesson."

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