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Taylor's POV:

"MAX", Aunt Sadie shouted, once we got into the house.

"Is Taylor here?", I heard who must be Max ask as he came running through the house.

There house was close to the beach, not on the beach but really close. It was a two story house, and it was beautiful. It was painted a cream color and it had a big front porch where they had 2 rocking chairs, a dog bowl, and everyones bike helmet. They had a passageway that led to the beach from the front porch, they all had bikes to ride to the beach with.

"Hi Taylor! I'm Max by the way, I'm 10 I'm just really short. Do you wanna see my room? It's right next to yours! Maybe we can sleep in the playroom together tonight, then we can watch movies and stuff!", Max said once he saw me, babbling away.

"Um.. ok", I said giving him a smile and putting down all of my bags and taking his hand and letting him drag me to his room.

He room was huge , his bed was huge and he had Broadway posters hung up everywhere and he had a balcony outside his room, and he had a hot tub out there to. He had a great view of the ocean from his room. In one of the corners in his room he had bean bags and a mini shelf on the wall containing about 6 books.

"Wow", I said while looking around, his room was more way better than anything I will probably ever have.

"I love my room, we just moved into this house 3 years ago and I'm still not bored of my room."

"MAX LEAVE TAYLOR ALONE AND GIVE HER SOME TIME IN HER ROOM!", Aunt Sadie screamed from downstairs.


The room I was given was the same size as Max's, which was huge. My walls were a light blue color and the bed I had was queen sized and it was against the wall, there was no backboard and there was 4 big pillows and the comforter was one of those big fluffy ones. Next to the bed was a little nightstand with a lamp and a note that had my name on it, which i'm guessing is from Max.

I also had a desk in the room, with a iMac Computer and a dry erase calendar above it. I had a balcony in my room as well, I immediately ran to it and opened the doors and stepped out on it. It felt so good outside. The warm summer sun on my skin and a little breeze. I looked around and saw that my balcony connected with Max's.

I went downstairs grabbed everything and went back upstairs to start unpacking. Once I got to all of my new clothes I went to the closet and squealed when I opened it. I was HUGE walk in closet. I could probably fit half of a store in front of it.

But as I started to organize all my clothes in my new closet and I noticed a door probably Max's height. I opened it and it revealed a small room, I noticed a light switched and switched the light on.


I screamed, I saw Max in the corner of the room. He started cracking up laughing and I soon joined in once my heart slowed down.

"You can't tell anyone about this room. It's our secret room, maybe I can show you the secret collection tomorrow."

"Alright", I watched him climb back through the little door that i'm guessing lead to his room, and I walked out.


"So we have some news that we hope you will find exciting", Aunt Sadie told me at the dinner table.

"hm", I said still chewing my food.

"Well, in 2 months, Max is going to start the Newsies national tour!", Aunt Sadie exclaimed.

My mouth fell open and I started at Max who stood smiling proudly. "You mean I'm gonna have a famous cousin?!"


"Oh my God, Max I am so proud of you!!!!!!!!!", I pulled him in a tight hug and hugged him until he told me to let go because he couldn't breath.


I spent all night watching Newsie videos on my iMac. I was up into 2 in the morning and I had an official crush on Jeremy Jordan. Every time I heard so much as a creak or any noise, I would turn the computer off and jump into the bed. Eventually I realized no one was coming so I kept my eyes glued to the screen. Everyone in the cast looked like one big family, and what's better than really hot guys singing and dancing on stage?

I eventually got into my bed and the minute my head hit the pillow I fell asleep and I dreamed of Jeremy Jordan.


"Greenbean....get off", I said groggily trying to get the animal off of me. Then I realized who was licking me. "GREENBEAN?"

My pug sat down on the bed and cocked his head at me and gave me a look. I started to laugh and I scooped him up and held my little baby in my arms he wagged his tail happily and licked me and started to snort uncontrollably.

I ran downstairs and met my aunt who asked me if I was surprised. Of course I was! I let Greenbean walk around the house until he peed on Max's shoes.

"Honey how about you go take Greenbean on a walk on the beach?" Aunt Sadie suggested.

Soon I had changed into jean shorts and a tank top and had Green bean on a leash and was walking barefoot on the sand, Greenbean was rolling in the sand like a mental animal.

"Um excuse me miss?"

I turned around and saw someone with a clipboard. "I was wondering if you could fill out a survey for me?"


I finished the survey and then looked over and saw that Green Bean got off his leash and running through the sand.

I started to chase after him but slipped in the sand and once I got up I saw him trotting toward the wet sand that lead towards the big blue ocean.

I started to run after him I screamed his name and he turned around and saw me and wagged his tail and then started to run in the other direction to a group of boys. I ran after him and I got towards the group of boys.

"Um, hi.. have any of you seen a pug?", I asked.

"Aw, you mean this cute little thing?", said the boy with eyes as bluer than the ocean itself.

I nervously started to play with my hair and I took Greenbean out of the boy's hand.

"So has he got a name?, asked the boy with flaming red hair asked.

I chuckled, "yeah, his name is greenbean."

"That's cute," said the boy with flaming hair.

"Well, thank you... I um, need to get home", I waved and walked away.

I looked back and saw two of them taking pictures as the others start flipping around the sand. I saw the boy with blue eyes looking at me and I quickly turned back around and smiled to myself as I walked Greenbean back home.

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